English 185C - Spring, 2012

Women's Writing III

Class Information

Instructor: Lauro, Sarah
Time: TR 12:10-1:30
Location: 212 Veihmeyer


This course will cover English language literature writings by the women of the late nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. Focusing on short readings, this class will aim to engage deeply with the novels, poetry, essays, and pieces of feminist theory that we encounter. Looking at writings by British, American, Canadian women as well as authors from other English speaking regions (like South Africa and the Caribbean) will give us a broad view of the diversity of perspectives represented in women’s literature. The class will investigate various feminist critical approaches to issues relating to women, including the impact of gender identity on literary production, representations of the female body, the development of an alternative canon of women’s literature, and representations of distinctively female cultural and political experience. 


One Short Paper 20%
Midterm 15%
One Long Paper 25%
Final exam 20%
quizzes 20%


The Norton Anthology: Literature by Women: The Traditions in English, Volume 2, Gilbert and Gubar, eds.
To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf
Tender Buttons, Gertrude Stein
Sula, Toni Morrison
Changing my Mind: Occasional Essays, Zadie Smith
A course reader, Various