English 125 - Winter, 2019

Topics in Irish Literature

Class Information

Instructor: Dobbins, Gregory
CRN: 54902
Time: TR 1:40-3:00
Location: 115 Hutchison


Despite its small size, history of political repression, natural disaster, and relative geopolitical insignificance on the fringes of Western Europe, Ireland has made a tremendous contribution to global literature that belies its apparent marginality. This is especially true from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. This course serves as an introduction to both canonical and lesser known works of modern Irish literature. An emphasis will be placed on the period between 1890 to 1950 and will consist of two units: a number of texts by writers associated with the Irish Literary Revival (W.B. Yeats, A.E., Lady Gregory, J.M. Synge, James Stephens and James Joyce), followed by various Modernist responses to the Revival (including works by Elizabeth Bowen, Flann O'Brien, Mairtin O Cadhain, and Samuel Beckett).


The course grade will be determined by two essays (5-7 pages each), short writing assignments, a final exam, participation, and occasional quizzes.

Most books will be available from the campus book store; shorter texts will be available on Smart Site.


The Crock of Gold, James Stephens
Graveyard Clay (Cre na Cille), Mairtin O Cadhain
At Swim-Two-Birds, Flann O'Brien
The Last September, Elizabeth Bowen
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce
Playboy of the Western World & Riders to the Sea, J.M. Synge
The Yeats Reader, W.B. Yeats