English 100F-2 - Fall, 2020

Creative Writing: Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Corin, Lucy
Time: TR 4:40-6:00


Admission to the course is by application. This is a creative writing workshop that will introduce students to primary elements of literary craft (scene/summary, the role of physical detail, the idea of voice, the nuance of point of view, etc.) and the role of revision in the creation and discovery of meaning and power in story. By studying distinct works of fiction by distinctive writers, your goal will be to strive toward writing what only you can write. How do you think like a writer? How do recognize how you sound in words when you sound like who you are as a writer? What does that even mean? Texts will be PDFs of stories and craft articles supplied via Canvas. The format will be flexible in relation to what we need to do for our health.


Students are graded on the quality of their creative drafts and revisions, analytic work, class participation, and careful critique of peer work.