English 166 - Summer Sessions I, 2020

Love & Desire in Contemporary American Poetry

Class Information

Instructor: Glazner, Greg
CRN: 53734
Time: TWR 4:10-5:50


This course will delve into the themes of love and desire as portrayed by diverse contemporary poets. Romantic and erotic love, certainly, seen from diverse viewpoints and orientations, will be key, but we will also look at broader conceptions of love and desire embodied in the poetry. As part of this undertaking, we will discuss the ways in which imagery, voice(s), stance, and style contribute to the works. The first week will involve a wide range of individual poems accessed online. The remaining weeks will be focused on the individual books of poetry. There will be class Zoom sessions with three of the poets.


Two papers, a short midterm, some daily work, and a final.


Compass Rose, Arthur Sze
Wedding Day, Dana Levin
Silverchest, Carl Phillips
Scrimmage of Appetite, Jon Davis (free digital copies provided by Davis)
online poems