English 240 - Fall, 2021

Medieval Literature

Class Information

Instructor: Waters, Claire
CRN: 53335
Time: M 12:10-3:00
Location: 120 Voorhies
Breadth: Earlier British


In this course, we will read medieval works in a range of genres that foreground the relationship between the work?s creator, his or her patron, and/or the community receiving the work (as imagined within the work). We will consider two significant and widespread phenomena: collaborations between female patrons and male writers (and occasionally the reverse) and collaborations between female visionaries and their male scribes and supporters. We will also look at works, like Margery Kempe?s Book and Julian of Norwich?s Shewings, in which the role of a receiving audience is at the center of the author?s attention, and at lyrics whose authors are mindful of a collective of like-minded writers. While medieval models for such community-oriented, affective, collaborative work will be the focus, there will also be room for consideration of related phenomena in early-modern culture (where patronage remained important) and contemporary manifestations of similar issues (e.g. communal patronage/funding, fan fiction).
NOTE: Due to the problematic Equitable Access program the bookstore is currently running, we will not be using them for our texts. I'll be in touch later in the summer about books, but feel free to send questions.


25% Discussion and discussion questions
25% Short writing assignments
50% Final paper/project


Lais, Marie de France
Ancrene Wisse (selections), Anonymous
Life of Christina of Markyate, Anonymous
Showings, Julian of Norwich
The Book of Margery Kempe, Margery Kempe