English 117 - Summer Sessions I, 2021


Class Information

Instructor: Emrich, Lee
CRN: 53826
Time: MTW 12:10-1:50
GE Areas: World Cultures Writing Experience


This course provides an introduction to the life, professional world, and writings of William Shakespeare. We will begin by learning about Shakespeare's Life and World, piecing together the scattered glimpses of Stratford-Upon-Avon, London, and early modern playwriting and playgoing revealed through historical documents. We will then move into reading 5 plays, spending one week on each, examining how his plays reflect their own time and speak to our own. Different topics we will discuss, political Shakespeare, problematic Shakespeare, poetic Shakespeare, and playful Shakespeare, ending with personal Shakespeare.

Right now, I'm envisioning reading the following:

1. Julius Caesar (Tragedy)
2. Taming of the Shrew (Problem Play)
3. Romeo and Juliet (Tragedy)
4. Twelfth Night (Comedy)
5. Course Choice--the students will get to vote on which is the last play we read!

The course will provide instruction on close reading principles and passage analysis--to get you more comfortable working with the genres of drama and poetry. The course will also provide a multimedia approach to Shakespeare as our readings of the plays and Shakespeare's bio will be supplemented by films, podcasts, articles, recorded theatrical productions, etc!


Grades will be determined by the following:

A weekly response post with peer interaction (Participation points)

Short paper to practice close reading (3-4 pages)

Long paper (5-6 pages) focusing on making a nuanced argument about a Shakespearean play.