For Hunger by Margaret Ronda

For Hunger by Margaret Ronda

Tell us about your new book. What is its central project?

For Hunger is a book of poetry that dwells in the spaces of reproductive labor -- caring for an ill person and a young child, housework, cooking -- and explores their essential bodily conditions and affective states. Hunger, in all its many forms, is at the center of these poems.

What got you started thinking about this set of problems in this way? 

The book emerged from the real experience of tending a dying mother and an infant, and from reading Simone Weil, Melanie Klein, Selma James and Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Arlie Hochschild, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Spenser's The Shepheardes Calendar, and many folk and fairy tales.

If you could pair your book with one other text, what would you recommend? Why?

Andrea Brady's fierce, brilliant book on reproductive caregiving and the time of infancy, Mutability: Scripts for Infancy. Both books are interested in the bodily and communicative limits and possibilities of caring for another.


For Hunger was published by Saturnalia Books. It is available here.