English 100F - Spring, 2011

Creative Writing: Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Corin, Lucy
Time: MW 1:40-3:00
Location: 308 Voorhies


This is an intermediate-level seminar/workshop in fiction writing. We operate within several assumptions: that we are trying to make art; that reading challenging fiction will help us find our own voices as writers; that the workshop process (in which we exchange and discuss work-in-progress) is meant to help us understand the complexities of narrative craft and to open each writer’s eyes the possibilities of the page. Students are expected to have some experience reading contemporary short fiction (in courses or independently). We’ll begin by generating new work and looking for “heat”—places where the writing starts getting good—and then work towards developing a full length story and taking it through a thorough revision process with the aid of workshop as well as a critical perspective on workshop. Each student will complete several short (1-2 page) pieces based on assignments and work through intense revisions of one longer (12-20 page) story. We will strive for a mixture of skill development (creating compelling characters, intensifying prose, finding a story’s shape, understanding point of view…) and risk-taking exploration. Admission is by application; please see the English Department website for forms and instructions.


Grading is holistic and on the acuity of your participation in the workshop process and your ability to use the concepts we discuss in model texts in your creative work and in your revisions of it.


various fictions, available on smartsite