English 100FA - Spring, 2011

Creative Writing: Advanced Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Hicks, W. Jack
Time: T 4:10-7:00
Location: 156 Voorhies


ENL 100FA is rather like ENL 100F on steroids. The workshop is smaller (12-13 students), ideally more selective and more demanding than ENL 100F. Approximately one-half the class will be vying for the Honor's Program in Creative Writing, and everyone should have taken at least one section of 100 previously. We'll use THE BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES 2010 as a master text, and students should plan on having at least two stories/excerpts workshopped. We'll focus on the colors of fiction--structure, character, plot, setting, etc.--and how they may be employed in original narrative that strives to find a voice. The course will require full and intensive engagement, and members are encouraged to experiment with unfamiliar topics, structures and styles.


Prompt and slavish attendance; preparation and engagement in writing and commentary on peer work; thorough reading of and familiarity with TBA selections from master texts; 25+ pages of original fiction; two (or more) workshops sessions per student; serving as a committed reader--both critical and positive--of workshop submissions, both in session and in written commentary.
