English 10A-2 - Spring, 2011

Literatures in English I: to 1700

Class Information

Instructor: Wolf, Keri
CRN: 53378
Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Location: 105 Olson


The goal of English 10A is to prepare students majoring in English for advanced study in English literature. This reading- and writing-intensive course will focus on literature written in English before 1700. By analyzing literature from a wide range of authors and genres, we will investigate the historical, political, social, and linguistic changes that occurred during this period. Beginning with literature written in Old English, we will consider the emergence of English as a literary language. Other topics the course will pursue include the traditions from which key literary genres evolved, national identity and England’s relationship to other worlds, and the participation of women in the literary realm. Assignments, activities, and exercises are designed to help you develop three types of skills that you will need for upper division courses in the English major: (1) “close reading” of poetry, prose, and drama; (2) situating your interpretations of a text in relation to other critics; and (3) creating an effective argument.


Attendance and Participation: 10%
Quizzes and Short Writing Assignments: 20%
Close Reading Paper: 20%
Research Paper: 30%
Final Exam: 20%


MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, Concise Edition, Volume A