English 171A - Spring, 2011

The Bible as Literature: The Old Testament

Class Information

Instructor: Schildgen, Brenda
CRN: 53196
Time: TR 3:10-4:30
Location: 118 Olson


This course is an introduction to the narratives, poetry, and writings of
the Hebrew Bible, from Genesis to the prophets. Special attention will be
given to methods of interpretation through time, the making of the canon,
translations, the texts that have particular importance to English
literature, and the Bible as the source of symbolic language in literary
and other cultural forms.

Visual presentations will support the discussions of interpretative methods.


1 long paper (10 pages), on a topic to be assigned due in the eighth week
of the quarter (50%), class participation (10%) and a final exam (40%).


Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation, ed. John Barton ISBN 9780521485922
Oxford Study Bible. Revised English Bible with the Apocrypha. A Complete Guide to the Study of the Bible. , ISBN 9780195290004