English 189-1 - Spring, 2011

Seminar in a Major Writer

Topic: Jane Austen

Class Information

Instructor: Johns, Alessa
CRN: 53201
Time: TR 3:10-4:30
Location: 308 Voorhies


In this seminar we will study writings of Jane Austen in their socio-political and cultural context, evaluate her critical reception since the nineteenth century, and ponder her considerable popularity today. We will not only read novels (with an emphasis on her “mature” productions) but also look at her early and unfinished writings, consider film versions, account for critical shifts and scholarly debates, and estimate the significance of the Janeites.


Student grades will be based on response essays, in-class work, presentations, participation, and a research paper.


Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, . ed. Robert P. Irvine (Broadview Press)
Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, ed. June Sturrock (Broadview Press)
Jane Austen, Emma , ed. Kristin Flieger Samuelian (Broadview Press)
Jane Austen, Persuasion, Persuasion, ed. Linda Bree (Broadview Press)
Course Reader