English 117 - Winter, 2011


Class Information

Instructor: Ferguson, Margaret
Time: TR 10:30-11:50
Location: 217 Art


Required Texts: Shakespeare, Taming of the Shrew (ed. Frances Dolan, Bedford) Twelfth Night (ed. Bruce Smith, Bedford); Measure for Measure (ed. Karen Raber, Bedford); Hamlet (ed. Cyrus Hoy, Norton); The Tempest (ed. Peter Hulme, Norton). These have been ordered at the University Book Store; please buy these specific editions, used or new, since each text has supplementary material in it for which you'll be responsible. In addition to these play texts (all paperback, all with good notes), you'll need to buy two bluebooks. Some additional materials will be on our course Smartsite.

Course Description
This course studies five plays that span Shakespeare’s career. We will read two comedies, _The Taming of the Shrew_ and _Twelfth Night_; a problem play, _Measure for Measure_; a tragedy, _Hamlet_, and a late romance, _The Tempest_. Class lecture and discussion sections will attend to the language and formal conventions of these plays as well as to their stagecraft, their historical context, and their modern reception. We will focus on the plays' perspectives on marriage, social status, religious difference, and the function of art within a community.


10% of your grade will be based on your work in discussion section, and another 10% will be based on homework and quizzes. There will be two papers, of 5 and 7 pp. respectively; the first will be 20% and the second, 25% of your grade. There will also be a midterm (15%) and a final (20%).


The Tempest (Norton), Shakespeare
Hamlet (Norton), Shakespeare
Measure for Measure (Bedford), Shakespeare
Twelfth Night (Bedford), Shakespeare
The Taming of the Shrew (Bedford), Shakespeare