English 185B - Winter, 2011

Women's Writing II

Class Information

Instructor: Miller, Elizabeth
Time: TR 3:10-4:30
Location: 217 Olson


Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers

Women in nineteenth-century Britain are conventionally thought of as “angels in the house,” confined to the domestic sphere and to traditional domestic duties, yet in the nineteenth century women produced a larger percentage of published novels than they did in the twentieth century. This class will focus on some of the most successful and important women novelists of the day – Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë – as well as the recently “rediscovered” Amy Levy. We will also consider women poets such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Christina Rossetti, and the autobiography of working-class writer Ellen Johnston. Our goal will be to think about these authors in relation to questions of gender and sexuality, marriage and the marriage plot, authorship and the public sphere, class and education.


Grading will be based on the following categories:
two papers
two exams
regular pop quizzes
participation and attendance


Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
The Romance of a Shop, Amy Levy
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
Coursepack with additional readings