English 100FA - Spring, 2019

Creative Writing: Advanced Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Corin, Lucy
Time: T 12:10-3:00
Location: 248 Voorhies


This advanced level fiction writing workshop is designed for our strongest undergraduate fiction writers, including but not limited to students admitted to the creative writing honors program. Admission is by application for a limited number of seats. My goal is to have a group of students equally dedicated to learning about fiction writing, students who write on their own, read challenging fiction on their own, and are a little if not a lot obsessed with narrative. My approach focuses on a writer’s relationship with what she consumes (books, art, culture), and detailed attention to language on the sentence level. We look at each individual piece of writing as a discrete entity, with a particular way relating to its generic form. We use a workshop/discussion format an approach it with a critical eye. We read a wide range of model works of fiction in order to explore the elasticity of the form and practice of making literary art. Students can expect write about 30 pages of original fiction, in some combination of micro or flash fictions, experimental pieces, full-length short stories or novella drafts, and intense revisions.


We'll use a course reader