Akua Banful aabanful@ucdavis.edu schedule an appointment here 274 Voorhies Hall Office Hours W 12-2 pm
Gina Bloom Professor of English (530) 752-1696 gbloom@ucdavis.edu https://playtheknave.org 269 Voorhies or 218 Voorhies Office Hours Thurs 3-4 PM on Zoom (make appointments at https://calendly.com/gbloom-1/office-hours) F 1-2 PM in 218 Voorhies
Stephanie Boluk Associate Professor of English boluk@ucdavis.edu Office Hours Wednesday 2:15 pm in Sprocket Lab
Seeta Chaganti Professor of English (530) 754-2651 schaganti@ucdavis.edu Office Hours M 3-4, R 1-2, and by appointment
Zinzi Clemmons, M.F.A. Assistant Professor of English zaclemmons@ucdavis.edu Voorhies 257 Office Hours Mondays 11am-12pm; Wednesdays 2-3pm on Zoom and in person
Joshua Clover Professor of English 530-754-2648 jclover@ucdavis.edu Voorhies 271 Office Hours Tues 3:00-4:00 virtual/Wed 12:00-1:00 virtual: email for link
Lucy Corin Professor of English (530) 752-1696 lcorin@ucdavis.edu 215 Voorhies Office Hours On Leave Fall, 2024
Gregory Dobbins Associate Professor of English gjdobbins@ucdavis.edu 213 Voorhies Office Hours Fall 2024: Tu 1:45-2:45 and F 12-2 (both in 213 Voorhies)
Frances Dolan Distinguished Professor of English fdolan@ucdavis.edu 262 Voorhies Office Hours Starting Week One of Fall Quarter, 2024: Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30; Thursdays, 12:30-1:20; and by appointment.
Kathleen Frederickson Associate Professor of English kfrederickson@ucdavis.edu 268 Voorhies Office Hours email to set up a Zoom time
Pam Houston Professor of English 303 881 5802 pamlhouston@ucdavis.edu Voorhies 251 Office Hours F 1-3 and by appointment. Please email or call for an appointment outside of those hours.
Hsuan L. Hsu 徐旋 Professor of English (530) 752-1696 hlhsu@ucdavis.edu Voorhies 160 Office Hours Th10-12 by appointment
Mark Jerng Professor of English (530) 752-1696 mcjerng@ucdavis.edu 272 Voorhies/2229 Hart Hall Office Hours T 1-2pm and R 12:00pm-2:00pm in 2229 Hart Hall
Joanna Johnson Associate Professor of English Associate Vice Provost, Writing Center joajohnson@ucdavis.edu Teaching and Learning Complex, fourth floor
Xavier Lee Assistant Professor of English 530-754-2635 xglee@ucdavis.edu Voorhies 255 Office Hours S24: MW 2:00pm-3:00pm
Desirée Martín Associate Professor of English (530) 752-1696 dmartin@ucdavis.edu 279 Voorhies Office Hours F 10-11am (in person) or by appt (zoom)
Tobias Menely Professor and Chair of English (530) 752-1696 tmenely@ucdavis.edu 264 Voorhies Office Hours Wednesday, 12-2 and by appointment
Colin Milburn Professor and Gary Snyder Chair in Science and the Humanities (530) 752-1696 cnmilburn@ucdavis.edu 273 Voorhies
Elizabeth Carolyn Miller Professor of English Interim Chair of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (530) 752-5921 ecmill@ucdavis.edu 257 Voorhies, 1223 Hart Office Hours Fall 2024: Tuesday 10-11 (in 257 Voorhies) and Thursday 12:30-1:30 (in 1223 Hart)
André Naffis-Sahely Assistant Professor of English 530-754-0922 anaffis@ucdavis.edu 270 Voorhies Office Hours Contact for Office Hours
Sal Nicolazzo Associate Professor of English 530-754-2641 snicolazzo@ucdavis.edu 263 Voorhies Hall Office Hours Fall 2024: Tuesdays 3-4pm and Thursdays 2-3pm
Cindy Ok Assistant Professor of English (530) 752-1160 cjok@ucdavis.edu Voorhies 265 Office Hours M 4-5, T 10:30-11:30
Katie Peterson Professor of English (530) 752-1696 kpeterson@ucdavis.edu 210 Voorhies Office Hours Tuesdays 10-12, Thursdays 10-12, and by appointment
Margaret Ronda Associate Professor of English (530) 752-1696 mronda@ucdavis.edu 254 Voorhies Office Hours M 1-2, T 12-1
Carl Stahmer Associate Adjunct Professor 530-752-1138 cstahmer@ucdavis.edu Shields Data Lab Office Hours M: 1:30 - 3:30 & by appt.
Matthew Stratton Associate Professor of English 530-754-2644 mstratton@ucdavis.edu 267 Voorhies Hall Office Hours Monday 2:00-3:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00-10:00 a.m. and by appointment!
Matthew Vernon Associate Professor of English (530) 752-1696 mxvernon@ucdavis.edu 211 Voorhies Office Hours MW 12-1
Claire Waters Professor of English cmwaters@ucdavis.edu 212 Voorhies Office Hours On sabbatical 2024–25.
Tiffany Jo Werth Professor of English 530-754-2629 tjwerth@ucdavis.edu 214 Voorhies Office Hours FQ Virtual M 11 - 12 PM Book via Calendly <https://calendly.com/tjwerth/fq24-virtual-office-hour> for a zoom appointment In Person W 12-1 PM
Michael Ziser Associate Professor of English (530) 752-1696 mgziser@ucdavis.edu 209 Voorhies and 160 Voorhies (DGS) Office Hours M 8-10am and W 11-12 in 160 Voorhies (Grad Director's Office)