PhD Alumni

If you have any edits for this page, please contact Aaron Barstow,

AlumnusDissertationCurrent Position
Lochowski Tanaka, SallyPorter, Maxwell and O’Hara: Reading Pandemic Trauma in 1918 Influenza Literature in the Time of COVID-19 
Fulton, AllyCrafting Disciplines: Women’s Artistic Labor and the Development of Nineteenth-Century
American Science
Walker, TimothyPneumapolitics: The Politics of Spirit and Conversion in Antebellum Literature, 1831-1860 
Romano, FrankieFannish Fiction: Queer Historical Narrative as Real Person Fan Fiction 
Cahalan, OfirShakespeare Fixes: Equitable Approaches to Shakespeare Pedagogy in U.S. High SchoolsLecturer in English at UC Davis
Pizelo, SamuelModeling Revolution: A Global History of Games as Model SystemsVisiting Assistant Professor in Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU Steinhardt
Bindas, AvaNothing Extraordinary: Feminist Everyday History in Victorian Novels of the Recent PastTechnical Writer at the Center for Economic and Social Research at USC
Duvall, MargaretBlack Feminist Science and Literature: Reconfiguring Modern American Epistemologies 
Cheramie, HillaryBountiful and Barren: Speculative (Re)presentations of Racial Capitalism in the Middle Ages 
Giron, MarioThe Currency of Suffering: The Migrant as Symbol and Commodity in Sympathetic Border TextsTenure-track position at Fresno City College
Lin, TomSpeculating space: science fiction and the Atlas ICBMAssistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Iowa
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Arkenberg, MeganProblems of Life and Mind in Late Victorian Speculative FictionLecturer in English at UC Davis
Barrera, DavidSpatialized Violence in Chicanx Literature and ArtAssistant Professor in English at California State University, Bakersfield
Burgess, AlexandraPrint and the Path to African American Self-Determination in the Nineteenth CenturyLecturer in English at UC Davis
DeWitt, RachaelExtra-Domestic Ecologies: Asexual Reproduction in Nineteenth-Century American LiteraturePostdoctoral scholar, Washington University in St. Louis
Giardina, ElizabethThe Book of Nature: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth- Century British Poetry & the Poetics of Earth System DesignLecturer in English at UC Davis
Radocay, JonathanStories in Severalty: Allotment and Indigenous ModernismsAssistant Professor, American Indian and Indigenous Literary Studies, Department of English, University of Washington
Weber, BreanneThe Body and the Book: Ecologies of Inscription in the Early English ArchiveTenure-track position at James Madison University in Virginia
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Blackman, BenjaminJust Speculation: Political Philosophy and the Science Fictional Imaginary at the End of the Eighteenth CenturyUpper School English Teacher at Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy
George Bagdanov, KristinNuclear Poetics: Energizing Social Forms in Cold War AmericaManager of Policy Research and Knowledge Sharing at the Building Decarbonization Coalition
Gray, Jessica HanselmanReproductive Logic of Authorship and the Birth of the New ScienceLecturer, UC Davis English Department
Hachimi, YasmineThe Eroticization of Tudor Queens in Early Modern England and BeyondDirector, McNair Scholars Program, UC Santa Barbara
Hanley Cardozo, KristenBrute: The British Beast in the Long Nineteenth CenturyAdjunct professor, teaching first-year writing, Mills College at Northeastern University
Hintze, ThomasLaughing Off White Supremacy, or: The Politics of Laughter in African American ModernismUnion organizer with UAW 286
Miller, M.A.Gender Unconformities: Becoming-with the Environment in the Nineteenth-Century Anglophone NovelTenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Gender, Race, and Health in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Washington State University
Mlekoday, MichaelVegetal Imaginaries in Antebellum American LiteratureEnglish Teacher at Charles Wright Academy for 11th and 12 grade
Peterson, LaurenIndustrial Specters of Nineteenth-Century Literature: Mills, Ports, and MinesAssistant Professor of English, Walla Walla University
Qualls, Bethany E.Public Talk, Printed Pages: Gender, Gossip, and the Formation of Eighteenth-Century British Print Culture18-month postdoc at the Université Caen Normandie in France
Wills, MelissaRuptures: Life without Germs in the Microbiome EraLecturer in the UC Davis Department of Science and Technology Studies
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Baltus, LindsaySisterhood is Mediated: What the Archive of 1970s Feminism Reveals About Social Movements and Social Media TodayStrategic Implementation Manager in the Strategic Projects Office at the Oregon Department of Human Services
Bamert, SophiaPlotting Race: Narrative Form and Urban Racial GeographiesContinuing Lecturer in Composition, Brooklyn College--CUNY)
Buse, KatherineHow to Build a Planet: Science Fiction, Planetary Science, and the Making of WorldsAssistant Professor in the Department of Cinema and Media Studies, The University of Chicago
Dhaliwal, RanjodhRendering the Computer: A Political Diagrammatology of TechnologyAssistant Professor of English and Film, Television, and Theatre at University of Notre Dame
Dietering, AverylFront Matter: Reading and Writing the Forehead in Early Modern LiteratureGrant Writer, Mockingbird Analytics
Krzeminski, JessicaDisrupting Homogeneity: Geology's Living Fossils in Nineteenth-Century LiteratureCollege Admissions Advisor and Curriculum Developer at Lexicon Academics
Nez, ThomasExigencies of Inscription: Documentary Writing and the Crises of ModernismLecturer of English and Modern Languages at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia
Sarpong, AshleyMaking Land, Making People: Rhetorics of Value and Improvement in Early Modern English LiteratureAssistant Professor of British Literature, CSU Stanislaus
Tinonga, JenniferPatterning, Pinning, Making: Re-Reading Digital Craft Culture through Early-Nineteenth-Century Women's WritingLecturer, UC Davis English Department
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Barr, Clara"moth / eroding": Decomposing Femininity in the Works of Djuna Barnes and Mina LoyInstructor, English Department and Writing Program at University of La Verne
Coller, BryanAll of Us with All of That: Militarized Life and Communal Affect in Twenty-First Century American Experimental Poetry 
Emrich, LeeWearable Techne: Dressing Knowledge in Early Modern EnglandPostdoctoral Teaching Associate in the Writing Program at Northeastern University
Fountain, AimeeNatural Enough: Contemporary Science, Capitalist Morality, and DickensWriter/Strategist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hogue, RebeccaArchipelagos of Resistance: Anti-Nuclear Writing of OceaniaAssistant Professor in the Department of English at the University of Toronto
Hulbert, AnnetteWriting in the Storm: BritainVisiting Professor of English, Willamette University
Kemp, SawyerThe Politics of Accessibility in Contemporary Shakespeare TheatresAssistant Professor at Queens College, CUNY
Petersen, SarahDieting with the Dead: Spiritualism and Alimentary Culture in 19th-Century American LiteratureEducation Specialist with the Bay Area literacy non-profit YokyWorks
Pufahl, ShannonOf love and wounding: Animals and children in American literature, 1860-1945Jones Lecturer in the Creative Writing Program at Stanford University
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Bryzik, ReneeAsymmetrical Friendship in the Age of Enlightenment SociabilityAdjunct Instructor at Christian Brothers University, Department of Literature & Languages, Memphis, TN
Connally, KennethQuestioning Reproduction in Seventeenth-Century English LiteratureLecturer in English at UC Davis
Crachiolo, ElizabethVegetable Feelings: Plants, Passions, and Knowledge in Early Modern EnglandAuditor Evaluator for the California State Auditor's Office
Hughes, WilliamSerial Feelings: Forms of Affect in Victorian LiteratureProfessor, Porterville College
Jylkka, KatjaSpeculating Science: Nature, Narrative and the Cryptozoological ImaginationDatabase Manager for Solid Starts
Kling, RebeccaCivil Ghosts: Transatlantic (Il)literacy and PersonhoodLecturer, Department of English & Comparative Literature, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
Kossak, BenjaminReading Bodies: Rethinking Embodied Cognition in Experimental PoetryEditorial Associate, Duke University Press
Leveling, KatherineForms at the End of the World: Subject-System Identity and the Figuration of Late Capitalism in Contemporary American Poetry 
Snively, SamanthaMaking Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century England: Recipes, Writing, and ExperimentationProposal Writer, Proposal Services, UC Davis Office of Development and Alumni Relations
Wallis, WallyUtopian Occupations in Early Modern English LiteratureLecturer in English at UC Davis
Wander, RyanQueer Times Out West: Genres of the Settler Colonial US West, 1868-1912Tenure-track position with Valdosta State University
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Abramowitsch, SimonUnder the Sign of the Rainbow: Thinking Racial and Ethnic Heterogeneity in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1960s-1990sFaculty, English Department, Chabot College, Hayward, CA
Clearwater, MichaelThe Counter Domestic: The Culture Wars, Welfare Reform, and the Rewriting of the Family in Contemporary American FictionTraining Coordinator at the California Conservation Corps
Grace, DanielGuided Passages: Spiritual Progress and Travel Narrative in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature and Culture (2018)Lecturer, English Department, Auburn University, Alabama
Kissinger, ZacharyCurrents of Speculation: Discourses of Water Scarcity in Contemporary Science FictionAssociate Director, Art of Problem Solving, Seattle, WA
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Balds, TreenaBeckett's Calculus of the SubjectInstructor of English and Mathematics at Starter Academy, Jamaica
Hume, AngelaLyric Interiors: The Contemporary Ecological Imagination in American WomenAssistant Professor of English, Creative Writing, and Environmental Literature, University of Minnesota, Morris
Martel, MichaelAnytown U.K.: The Local State of Victorian PrintInstructor, English Department, University of Alabama
Ross, CordeliaUnearthing England: Conquest and Identity in Underground Narratives, 1150-1250Instructor, English Department, University of Alabama
Serafin, LeilaniThe Fictions of American Liberalism: Modernism between Crisis and ConsensusOperations and Communications Lead in the The Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) at San Francisco State University
Sparling, MegThe Literature that Slave Labor Made: Methods of Slave Labor's Representation in Nineteenth-Century American LiteratureFunding Analyst for the Interdisciplinary Research Support Team in the Office of Research, University of California, Davis,
Thomas, GeorgeTelling Time: The Temporal Novels of Williams Faulkner, Cormac McCarthy, and Toni MorrisonVisiting Assistant Professor at Guilford College
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Afflerbach, IanThe Fictions of American Liberalism: Modernism between Crisis and ConsensusAssistant Professor, English Department, University of North Georgia
Backman, RussellThe Distributed Epic: Modularity, Networks, and Organization in the Novels of Thomas PynchonAssistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, Palomar College, San Marcos, CA
Ball, MollyWriting Out of Time: Temporal Vulnerability in Nineteenth-Century NarrativeAssistant Professor, Humanities Department, Eureka College, Eureka, IL
Carroll, JordanPublishing the Unpublishable: Obscenity and Editorship in U.S. Literary CultureAssistant Professor, English and Writing, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL
Druckman Cohn, JenaeThe Books that Bind Us: Remediation of the Printed Book as Social Practice in the 21st CenturyDirector of Academic Technology at Sacramento State
Nguyen, JosefCreative Makings of the Digital GenerationAssistant Professor, School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication, University of Texas at Dallas
Petrosillo, SaraPluck off Her Bells and Let Her Fly: Falconry as Medieval Reading PracticeAssistant Professor, Department of English, University of Evansville, IN
Shaw, DanielleMad Men, Playboys, and Hipsters: White Masculinity in Postwar U.S. Film and LiteratureInstructor, Department of English, West Valley College, Saratoga, CA
Shipe, CaraBodies Beholden: Intersections of Race and Disability in Literature of the Long Nineteenth-Century U.S.Adjunct Instructor, English at Sandhills Community College in Pinehurst, North Carolina
Yazell, BryanVagrant Narratives: Governing the Welfare Subject in the US and Britain, 1880-1940Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Language, University of Southern Denmark
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Chaozon-Bauer, PearlPerformative Subversions: The Epithalamuim, Sappho, and the VictoriansAssistant Professor, Department of English, Notre Dame de Namur University, Belmont, CA
Jennings, HeatherPedagogy, Delivery, Drama: Performance in the Later Middle AgesAcademic Dean, The Ambrose School, Meridian, ID
Kenley, NicoleDetecting Globalization: America's Emerging Genre of Global Detective FictionLecturer, Department of English, Baylor University, Waco, TX.
Kitses, JasmineSimple Marks: Moments of Punctuation in Twentieth-Century PoetryMiddle School Language Arts Teacher, Synergy School, San Francisco, CA
Taff, Dyani JohnsContested Vessels: Gender and the Maritime in Early Modern TextsAssistant Professor position at Colby College
Wallis, BryanThe Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade: Wendell Berry and the Darkness of CoexistenceOwner, Saturnworks Pedals, Davis, CA
Weis, MartinBio-Gaming: The Real Biopolitics of Virtual BodiesOwner, Game the Room, Rohnert Park, CA.
Weise, PeterVoice Beyond Language: Rethinking Sound Studies for British Literature of the Long Eighteenth CenturyAssistant Teaching Professor, University of Michigan - Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai City, China
Wilson-Bates, TobiasTime and its Machine: The Novel as Temporal TechnologyAssistant Professor, English Department, Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, GA
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Aldebol-Hazle, KristenManaging a Literate Laity: the Pilgrimage of the Life of Man in Fifteenth-Century EnglandLecturer, Clemson University
Billing, ValerieBig Women, Small Men: The Erotics of Size in Early Modern English Literature and CultureAssistant Professor, Department of English, Central College, Iowa
Elliott, William‘Losing Alaska to the Name Itself’: Elegy and Futurity in a Changing NorthAssistant Professor of English, University of Alaska, Southeast
Franks, MattQueer Eugenics: Modernism and the Biopolitics of UpliftAssistant Professor, University of West Georgia
Hendel, ErinWe the Separate Peoples: Literatures of Alternative Nationalisms in the United States 1800-1900Donor Communications Manager, The Nature Conservancy
Jupin, TannerGamic Fiction: the Intermediation of Literature and GamesEnglish Teacher, Basis Independent, Silicon Valley, CA
Klotz, SarahSentimental Literacies: Grief, Writing, and American Indigenous Rights 1820-1885Project Specialist and Research Assistant Professor, Center of Urban Education, University of Southern California
Neil, KellyInscrutable Suicide: Politics, Gender, and the Felo de se in Early Modern DramaProfessor of English, Spartanburg Methodist College, Spartanburg, SC
Paszko, ErinReluctant Realism: on Postcolonialism, Terrorism, and the Contemporary Crisis of Capitalism 
Tirapelle, GraceHotel Publics: Space, Hospitality, and U.S. Literature, 1893-2010Student-Athlete Support Program Director, Jackson Hole Ski and Snowboard Club
Valvo, Nicholasenurious Payments: Debt, Dependence, and Communal Form in Eighteenth-Century BritainLecturer, English, Reading and Speech Department, City Colleges of Chicago
Walker, KaitlinEmbroidering a Transnational Feminist Room of One's Own: Desire, Labor, and Narrative in Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street and Caramelo 
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Cattivera, AlexisAt Home and on the Road: The Politics of Postwar Space in American Literature and FilmAdjunct English Instructor, DeAnza College, Cupertino, CA
Dawkins, ClaireNot a Whore: The Defense against Slander in Early Modern English RomancesEnglish Instructor, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, CA
Embry, KarenThe Incalculable Truth of Art: Thinking Through the Artwork in the Twentieth CenturyInstructor, Composition and Literature, Portland Community College, Portland, OR.
Garrison, AlysiaThe Secret History of the Circum-Atlantic NovelAssistant Professor, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
Jessop, AnettDefinitional Poetics: Modernist Poetry, Language, and The Word WomanAssistant Professor, University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX
Kreiner, TimothyThe Long Downturn and its Discontents: Language Writing and the New LeftLecturer, English Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Long, BrittChoose Your Own Adventure: Fandom, Authorship, and Alternate History in an Age of New Media 
O’Brien, EricInexpressible: The Agrarian Roots of Romantic RhetoricAdjunct Professor, English, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE
Page, RyanThe Melodramatic Diegesis: Sensational Realism, Dramatism, and the Advent of Literary Naturalism 
Recker, LaurelChronotopias: The Politics of Time and Space in Transatlantic ModernismsAdjunct Faculty at California State University, Monterey Bay
Tran, HaAlien Cities: Anxieties about Race, Space, and the Body Politic in the Science Fiction City 
Zimbalist, BarbaraTranslating Christ in Medieval Women’s Visionary TextsAssistant Professor, University of Texas, El Paso, TX
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Anderson, SaraArchives of Futurity: Prophetic Discourse Networks and the End of Race in the United States 
Balachandran-Orihuela, SharadaFrom Flags to Freeways: Hemispheric Routes of Exchange, Marginalized Economies, and Liberal RightsAssociate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Brock, Jennifer"You Shall Go Home Again.." Narratives of Colonial Return from the Late Eighteenth through the Nineteenth Centuries 
Caison, GinaBeing, Feeling, and Seeing Red in the Native SouthAssociate Professor, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Dennis, ValerieThe Divine is in the Details: Changing Representations of God in Medieval and Early Modern English DramaInstructor of English, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX
Fong, RyanBritanniaAssistant Professor, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Grand, NatalieTeaching the Turk, Teaching as the Turk: Female Characters as Tutors on the Early Modern English Stage 
Kilgore, JohnThe Revival of Revolt: Enthusiasm and Event in U.S. Literature from the American Revolution to the Civil WarAssociate Professor, English Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
McMann, MindiEthical StatesAssociate Professor, English Department, College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
Pruitt, AnnaShadow Patriarchs: Rogues, Witches, Bawds, and the Model of the Patriarchal Family in Jacobean DramaManaging Editor, Giving USA, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indianapolis, IN
Sperber, LisaThe Poetic Relationship of Adrienne Rich, Jean Valentine and Jane CooperLecturer, University Writing Program, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA
Swinkin, RachelThe Limits of Sympathy: Animals and Sentimentality in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture, 1759-1810 
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Degnan, CynthiaThe NationTherapist and Counseling Coordinator, Rape Advocacy, Counseling and Education Services, Champaign, IL
Dunn, JasonLiteracy, Pedagogy, and the Princely Reader in Mirrors for Princes of Late Medieval France and England (2011)Associate Professor of English, Thomas University, Thomasville, GA
Garrison, JohnEnriching Friendship: Representations of Profitable Amity from Chaucer to MiltonProfessor, Department of English, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA
Hageman, AndrewThe Hour of the MachineAssociate Professor of English, Luther College, Decorah, IA
Hopf, CourtneyStory Networks: The Politics and Poetics of Mass CollaborationLecturer and Program Manager, Liberal Studies and Creative Arts, New York University, London
Irvin, Darcy"In the MindVisiting Assistant Professor, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
Jensen, KristianThe Birth of Literary Ethnography: Struggles with Anthropology in Antebellum America 
Lauro, Sarah JulietThe Modern Zombie: Living Death in the Technological AgeAssistant Professor, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL
Metzger, DouglasPlots of Incline: American Local Color and Postbellum Philosophy 
Rapatz, VanessaNeither This Nor That: Convents and Novices in Early Modern English Problem PlaysAssistant Professor, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
France, Margaret"Now for Something Completely Different": The Non Sequitur in Daniel Defoe, Sarah Fielding, and Sarah ScottInstructor, Yakima Valley College, Yakima, WA
Fung, CatherinePerpetual Refugee: Memory of the Vietnam War in Asian-American LiteratureEnglish Teacher, Lick-Wilmerding High School, San Francisco, CA
Giannini, NatalieServing at the Pleasure of the Queen: Staging Counsel in Elizabethan EnglandProfessor, Composition and Rhetoric-Literary Studies, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
Glass, DanielTotal Noise: Language Poetry, Hip-Hop, and Urban Collapse 
Langmade, LynnGemiNation: A Theory of Twin Literary Criticism in American LiteratureFounder & Digital Marketing Consultant, Verge Marketing Agency, Lafayette, CA
Milos, NathanMessthenics as an Alternative to the Avant GardeYouth Services Librarian, Sacramento Public Library, Sacramento, CA
Pivetti, Kyle"We'll Remember with Advantage": National Memory and Literary Form in Early Modern EnglandAssociate Professor of English, Norwich University, Northfield, VT
Rodger, Katharine"Toward the Western Sea": Science, Culture, and Narrative in the American PacificContinuing Lecturer, University Writing Program, UC Davis, Davis, CA
Walker, Karen ChaseDark Side of the Machine: Race, Technology, and Nonhumanist Beings in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony, and Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian & The Road 
Wolf, KeriPlace, Space, and Identity in Six Old English “Comitatus” PoemsProfessor, English, Bakersfield College, Bakersfield, CA
Zanten, Clara VanWord Clouds: Ashbery, Weather Poems, Ecology 
AlumnusTitle of DissertationCurrent Position
Bender, Melissa"Work Hard and Act Right": The Neoliberal Self-Made Individual in U.S. MemoirContinuing Lecturer, University Writing Program, UC Davis, Davis, CA
Braun, GretchenA Writing of Fire Within: Trauma, Transgression, and Gender in Victorian FictionAssociate Professor of English, Furman University, Greenville, SC
Burchett, Karen GonzalezPlatform of Influence: The Power of Public Speaking in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction 
Halpin, JenniferIn Time, Just: Staging Ethics and Physics in Post-Cold War DramaAssociate Professor, English, Languages and Cultures, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA
Jacobsen, AnnThe Poetics of Interiority: Emily Dickinson, Edith Wharton, Willa Cather and the Use of Interior SpaceAdjunct Professor of English, Sacramento City College, Sacramento, CA
Pauza, ColleenMysticism and the Mind: Varieties of Subjectivity in British and Irish Fiction, 1860 - 1940 and Beyond 
Pedersen, TaraConfounding Categories of Knowledge: Mermaids in Early Modern English Theatrical CultureAssociate Professor, University of Wisconsin, Parkside, WI
Poll, RyanMain-Street Modernity: U.S. Narratives of Nationalism, Imperialism, and ExceptionalismAssistant Professor, Graduate Coordinator & Undergraduate Advisor of English, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL
Reddy, Vanitae-Modeling Minority: Mapping Critical Femininities in the South Asian American Diaspora?Associate Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Schaberg, ChistopherAirport ReadingDorothy Harrel Brown Distinguished Professor of English, Loyola University New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
Smith, Kendra OUntimely Translation in Fourteenth-Century British LiteratureIntellectual Property Analyst, UC Davis, Davis, CA
Strong, MelissaA Taste For Charity: The Cultural Work of American WomenFaculty, English Department, Community College of Philadelphia, PA
Thompson, KTA Romance with Many Reservations: American Indian Figurations and the Globalization of IndigeneityAssistant Professor of English, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Wilhelm, Julie AnnThe Funny Business of 19th-Century SentimentalismAcademic Program Director: Bachelor of Arts Major in English, National University, Costa Mesa Campus, Costa Mesa, CA