If you have any edits for this page, please contact Aaron Barstow, ambarstow@ucdavis.edu.
2024 | ||
Alumnus | Dissertation | Current Position |
Lochowski Tanaka, Sally | Porter, Maxwell and O’Hara: Reading Pandemic Trauma in 1918 Influenza Literature in the Time of COVID-19 | |
Fulton, Ally | Crafting Disciplines: Women’s Artistic Labor and the Development of Nineteenth-Century American Science | |
Walker, Timothy | Pneumapolitics: The Politics of Spirit and Conversion in Antebellum Literature, 1831-1860 | |
Romano, Frankie | Fannish Fiction: Queer Historical Narrative as Real Person Fan Fiction | |
Cahalan, Ofir | Shakespeare Fixes: Equitable Approaches to Shakespeare Pedagogy in U.S. High Schools | Lecturer in English at UC Davis |
Pizelo, Samuel | Modeling Revolution: A Global History of Games as Model Systems | Visiting Assistant Professor in Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU Steinhardt |
Bindas, Ava | Nothing Extraordinary: Feminist Everyday History in Victorian Novels of the Recent Past | Technical Writer at the Center for Economic and Social Research at USC |
Duvall, Margaret | Black Feminist Science and Literature: Reconfiguring Modern American Epistemologies | |
Cheramie, Hillary | Bountiful and Barren: Speculative (Re)presentations of Racial Capitalism in the Middle Ages | |
Giron, Mario | The Currency of Suffering: The Migrant as Symbol and Commodity in Sympathetic Border Texts | Tenure-track position at Fresno City College |
Lin, Tom | Speculating space: science fiction and the Atlas ICBM | Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Iowa |
2023 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Arkenberg, Megan | Problems of Life and Mind in Late Victorian Speculative Fiction | Lecturer in English at UC Davis |
Barrera, David | Spatialized Violence in Chicanx Literature and Art | Assistant Professor in English at California State University, Bakersfield |
Burgess, Alexandra | Print and the Path to African American Self-Determination in the Nineteenth Century | Lecturer in English at UC Davis |
DeWitt, Rachael | Extra-Domestic Ecologies: Asexual Reproduction in Nineteenth-Century American Literature | Postdoctoral scholar, Washington University in St. Louis |
Giardina, Elizabeth | The Book of Nature: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth- Century British Poetry & the Poetics of Earth System Design | Lecturer in English at UC Davis |
Radocay, Jonathan | Stories in Severalty: Allotment and Indigenous Modernisms | Assistant Professor, American Indian and Indigenous Literary Studies, Department of English, University of Washington |
Weber, Breanne | The Body and the Book: Ecologies of Inscription in the Early English Archive | Tenure-track position at James Madison University in Virginia |
2022 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Blackman, Benjamin | Just Speculation: Political Philosophy and the Science Fictional Imaginary at the End of the Eighteenth Century | Upper School English Teacher at Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy |
George Bagdanov, Kristin | Nuclear Poetics: Energizing Social Forms in Cold War America | Manager of Policy Research and Knowledge Sharing at the Building Decarbonization Coalition |
Gray, Jessica Hanselman | Reproductive Logic of Authorship and the Birth of the New Science | Lecturer, UC Davis English Department |
Hachimi, Yasmine | The Eroticization of Tudor Queens in Early Modern England and Beyond | Director, McNair Scholars Program, UC Santa Barbara |
Hanley Cardozo, Kristen | Brute: The British Beast in the Long Nineteenth Century | Adjunct professor, teaching first-year writing, Mills College at Northeastern University |
Hintze, Thomas | Laughing Off White Supremacy, or: The Politics of Laughter in African American Modernism | Union organizer with UAW 286 |
Miller, M.A. | Gender Unconformities: Becoming-with the Environment in the Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Novel | Tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Gender, Race, and Health in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Washington State University |
Mlekoday, Michael | Vegetal Imaginaries in Antebellum American Literature | English Teacher at Charles Wright Academy for 11th and 12 grade |
Peterson, Lauren | Industrial Specters of Nineteenth-Century Literature: Mills, Ports, and Mines | Assistant Professor of English, Walla Walla University |
Qualls, Bethany E. | Public Talk, Printed Pages: Gender, Gossip, and the Formation of Eighteenth-Century British Print Culture | 18-month postdoc at the Université Caen Normandie in France |
Wills, Melissa | Ruptures: Life without Germs in the Microbiome Era | Lecturer in the UC Davis Department of Science and Technology Studies |
2021 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Baltus, Lindsay | Sisterhood is Mediated: What the Archive of 1970s Feminism Reveals About Social Movements and Social Media Today | Strategic Implementation Manager in the Strategic Projects Office at the Oregon Department of Human Services |
Bamert, Sophia | Plotting Race: Narrative Form and Urban Racial Geographies | Continuing Lecturer in Composition, Brooklyn College--CUNY) |
Buse, Katherine | How to Build a Planet: Science Fiction, Planetary Science, and the Making of Worlds | Assistant Professor in the Department of Cinema and Media Studies, The University of Chicago |
Dhaliwal, Ranjodh | Rendering the Computer: A Political Diagrammatology of Technology | Assistant Professor of English and Film, Television, and Theatre at University of Notre Dame |
Dietering, Averyl | Front Matter: Reading and Writing the Forehead in Early Modern Literature | Grant Writer, Mockingbird Analytics |
Krzeminski, Jessica | Disrupting Homogeneity: Geology's Living Fossils in Nineteenth-Century Literature | College Admissions Advisor and Curriculum Developer at Lexicon Academics |
Nez, Thomas | Exigencies of Inscription: Documentary Writing and the Crises of Modernism | Lecturer of English and Modern Languages at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia |
Sarpong, Ashley | Making Land, Making People: Rhetorics of Value and Improvement in Early Modern English Literature | Assistant Professor of British Literature, CSU Stanislaus |
Tinonga, Jennifer | Patterning, Pinning, Making: Re-Reading Digital Craft Culture through Early-Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing | Lecturer, UC Davis English Department |
2020 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Barr, Clara | "moth / eroding": Decomposing Femininity in the Works of Djuna Barnes and Mina Loy | Instructor, English Department and Writing Program at University of La Verne |
Coller, Bryan | All of Us with All of That: Militarized Life and Communal Affect in Twenty-First Century American Experimental Poetry | |
Emrich, Lee | Wearable Techne: Dressing Knowledge in Early Modern England | Postdoctoral Teaching Associate in the Writing Program at Northeastern University |
Fountain, Aimee | Natural Enough: Contemporary Science, Capitalist Morality, and Dickens | Writer/Strategist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Hogue, Rebecca | Archipelagos of Resistance: Anti-Nuclear Writing of Oceania | Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the University of Toronto |
Hulbert, Annette | Writing in the Storm: Britain | Visiting Professor of English, Willamette University |
Kemp, Sawyer | The Politics of Accessibility in Contemporary Shakespeare Theatres | Assistant Professor at Queens College, CUNY |
Petersen, Sarah | Dieting with the Dead: Spiritualism and Alimentary Culture in 19th-Century American Literature | Education Specialist with the Bay Area literacy non-profit YokyWorks |
Pufahl, Shannon | Of love and wounding: Animals and children in American literature, 1860-1945 | Jones Lecturer in the Creative Writing Program at Stanford University |
2019 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Bryzik, Renee | Asymmetrical Friendship in the Age of Enlightenment Sociability | Adjunct Instructor at Christian Brothers University, Department of Literature & Languages, Memphis, TN |
Connally, Kenneth | Questioning Reproduction in Seventeenth-Century English Literature | Lecturer in English at UC Davis |
Crachiolo, Elizabeth | Vegetable Feelings: Plants, Passions, and Knowledge in Early Modern England | Auditor Evaluator for the California State Auditor's Office |
Hughes, William | Serial Feelings: Forms of Affect in Victorian Literature | Professor, Porterville College |
Jylkka, Katja | Speculating Science: Nature, Narrative and the Cryptozoological Imagination | Database Manager for Solid Starts |
Kling, Rebecca | Civil Ghosts: Transatlantic (Il)literacy and Personhood | Lecturer, Department of English & Comparative Literature, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA |
Kossak, Benjamin | Reading Bodies: Rethinking Embodied Cognition in Experimental Poetry | Editorial Associate, Duke University Press |
Leveling, Katherine | Forms at the End of the World: Subject-System Identity and the Figuration of Late Capitalism in Contemporary American Poetry | |
Snively, Samantha | Making Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century England: Recipes, Writing, and Experimentation | Proposal Writer, Proposal Services, UC Davis Office of Development and Alumni Relations |
Wallis, Wally | Utopian Occupations in Early Modern English Literature | Lecturer in English at UC Davis |
Wander, Ryan | Queer Times Out West: Genres of the Settler Colonial US West, 1868-1912 | Tenure-track position with Valdosta State University |
2018 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Abramowitsch, Simon | Under the Sign of the Rainbow: Thinking Racial and Ethnic Heterogeneity in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1960s-1990s | Faculty, English Department, Chabot College, Hayward, CA |
Clearwater, Michael | The Counter Domestic: The Culture Wars, Welfare Reform, and the Rewriting of the Family in Contemporary American Fiction | Training Coordinator at the California Conservation Corps |
Grace, Daniel | Guided Passages: Spiritual Progress and Travel Narrative in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature and Culture (2018) | Lecturer, English Department, Auburn University, Alabama |
Kissinger, Zachary | Currents of Speculation: Discourses of Water Scarcity in Contemporary Science Fiction | Associate Director, Art of Problem Solving, Seattle, WA |
2017 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Balds, Treena | Beckett's Calculus of the Subject | Instructor of English and Mathematics at Starter Academy, Jamaica |
Hume, Angela | Lyric Interiors: The Contemporary Ecological Imagination in American Women | Assistant Professor of English, Creative Writing, and Environmental Literature, University of Minnesota, Morris |
Martel, Michael | Anytown U.K.: The Local State of Victorian Print | Instructor, English Department, University of Alabama |
Ross, Cordelia | Unearthing England: Conquest and Identity in Underground Narratives, 1150-1250 | Instructor, English Department, University of Alabama |
Serafin, Leilani | The Fictions of American Liberalism: Modernism between Crisis and Consensus | Operations and Communications Lead in the The Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) at San Francisco State University |
Sparling, Meg | The Literature that Slave Labor Made: Methods of Slave Labor's Representation in Nineteenth-Century American Literature | Funding Analyst for the Interdisciplinary Research Support Team in the Office of Research, University of California, Davis, |
Thomas, George | Telling Time: The Temporal Novels of Williams Faulkner, Cormac McCarthy, and Toni Morrison | Visiting Assistant Professor at Guilford College |
2016 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Afflerbach, Ian | The Fictions of American Liberalism: Modernism between Crisis and Consensus | Assistant Professor, English Department, University of North Georgia |
Backman, Russell | The Distributed Epic: Modularity, Networks, and Organization in the Novels of Thomas Pynchon | Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, Palomar College, San Marcos, CA |
Ball, Molly | Writing Out of Time: Temporal Vulnerability in Nineteenth-Century Narrative | Assistant Professor, Humanities Department, Eureka College, Eureka, IL |
Carroll, Jordan | Publishing the Unpublishable: Obscenity and Editorship in U.S. Literary Culture | Assistant Professor, English and Writing, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL |
Druckman Cohn, Jenae | The Books that Bind Us: Remediation of the Printed Book as Social Practice in the 21st Century | Director of Academic Technology at Sacramento State |
Nguyen, Josef | Creative Makings of the Digital Generation | Assistant Professor, School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication, University of Texas at Dallas |
Petrosillo, Sara | Pluck off Her Bells and Let Her Fly: Falconry as Medieval Reading Practice | Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Evansville, IN |
Shaw, Danielle | Mad Men, Playboys, and Hipsters: White Masculinity in Postwar U.S. Film and Literature | Instructor, Department of English, West Valley College, Saratoga, CA |
Shipe, Cara | Bodies Beholden: Intersections of Race and Disability in Literature of the Long Nineteenth-Century U.S. | Adjunct Instructor, English at Sandhills Community College in Pinehurst, North Carolina |
Yazell, Bryan | Vagrant Narratives: Governing the Welfare Subject in the US and Britain, 1880-1940 | Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Language, University of Southern Denmark |
2015 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Chaozon-Bauer, Pearl | Performative Subversions: The Epithalamuim, Sappho, and the Victorians | Assistant Professor, Department of English, Notre Dame de Namur University, Belmont, CA |
Jennings, Heather | Pedagogy, Delivery, Drama: Performance in the Later Middle Ages | Academic Dean, The Ambrose School, Meridian, ID |
Kenley, Nicole | Detecting Globalization: America's Emerging Genre of Global Detective Fiction | Lecturer, Department of English, Baylor University, Waco, TX. |
Kitses, Jasmine | Simple Marks: Moments of Punctuation in Twentieth-Century Poetry | Middle School Language Arts Teacher, Synergy School, San Francisco, CA |
Taff, Dyani Johns | Contested Vessels: Gender and the Maritime in Early Modern Texts | Assistant Professor position at Colby College |
Wallis, Bryan | The Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade: Wendell Berry and the Darkness of Coexistence | Owner, Saturnworks Pedals, Davis, CA |
Weis, Martin | Bio-Gaming: The Real Biopolitics of Virtual Bodies | Owner, Game the Room, Rohnert Park, CA. |
Weise, Peter | Voice Beyond Language: Rethinking Sound Studies for British Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century | Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Michigan - Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai City, China |
Wilson-Bates, Tobias | Time and its Machine: The Novel as Temporal Technology | Assistant Professor, English Department, Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, GA |
2014 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Aldebol-Hazle, Kristen | Managing a Literate Laity: the Pilgrimage of the Life of Man in Fifteenth-Century England | Lecturer, Clemson University |
Billing, Valerie | Big Women, Small Men: The Erotics of Size in Early Modern English Literature and Culture | Assistant Professor, Department of English, Central College, Iowa |
Elliott, William | ‘Losing Alaska to the Name Itself’: Elegy and Futurity in a Changing North | Assistant Professor of English, University of Alaska, Southeast |
Franks, Matt | Queer Eugenics: Modernism and the Biopolitics of Uplift | Assistant Professor, University of West Georgia |
Hendel, Erin | We the Separate Peoples: Literatures of Alternative Nationalisms in the United States 1800-1900 | Donor Communications Manager, The Nature Conservancy |
Jupin, Tanner | Gamic Fiction: the Intermediation of Literature and Games | English Teacher, Basis Independent, Silicon Valley, CA |
Klotz, Sarah | Sentimental Literacies: Grief, Writing, and American Indigenous Rights 1820-1885 | Project Specialist and Research Assistant Professor, Center of Urban Education, University of Southern California |
Neil, Kelly | Inscrutable Suicide: Politics, Gender, and the Felo de se in Early Modern Drama | Professor of English, Spartanburg Methodist College, Spartanburg, SC |
Paszko, Erin | Reluctant Realism: on Postcolonialism, Terrorism, and the Contemporary Crisis of Capitalism | |
Tirapelle, Grace | Hotel Publics: Space, Hospitality, and U.S. Literature, 1893-2010 | Student-Athlete Support Program Director, Jackson Hole Ski and Snowboard Club |
Valvo, Nicholas | enurious Payments: Debt, Dependence, and Communal Form in Eighteenth-Century Britain | Lecturer, English, Reading and Speech Department, City Colleges of Chicago |
Walker, Kaitlin | Embroidering a Transnational Feminist Room of One's Own: Desire, Labor, and Narrative in Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street and Caramelo | |
2013 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Cattivera, Alexis | At Home and on the Road: The Politics of Postwar Space in American Literature and Film | Adjunct English Instructor, DeAnza College, Cupertino, CA |
Dawkins, Claire | Not a Whore: The Defense against Slander in Early Modern English Romances | English Instructor, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, CA |
Embry, Karen | The Incalculable Truth of Art: Thinking Through the Artwork in the Twentieth Century | Instructor, Composition and Literature, Portland Community College, Portland, OR. |
Garrison, Alysia | The Secret History of the Circum-Atlantic Novel | Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. |
Jessop, Anett | Definitional Poetics: Modernist Poetry, Language, and The Word Woman | Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX |
Kreiner, Timothy | The Long Downturn and its Discontents: Language Writing and the New Left | Lecturer, English Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT |
Long, Britt | Choose Your Own Adventure: Fandom, Authorship, and Alternate History in an Age of New Media | |
O’Brien, Eric | Inexpressible: The Agrarian Roots of Romantic Rhetoric | Adjunct Professor, English, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE |
Page, Ryan | The Melodramatic Diegesis: Sensational Realism, Dramatism, and the Advent of Literary Naturalism | |
Recker, Laurel | Chronotopias: The Politics of Time and Space in Transatlantic Modernisms | Adjunct Faculty at California State University, Monterey Bay |
Tran, Ha | Alien Cities: Anxieties about Race, Space, and the Body Politic in the Science Fiction City | |
Zimbalist, Barbara | Translating Christ in Medieval Women’s Visionary Texts | Assistant Professor, University of Texas, El Paso, TX |
2012 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Anderson, Sara | Archives of Futurity: Prophetic Discourse Networks and the End of Race in the United States | |
Balachandran-Orihuela, Sharada | From Flags to Freeways: Hemispheric Routes of Exchange, Marginalized Economies, and Liberal Rights | Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Maryland, College Park, MD |
Brock, Jennifer | "You Shall Go Home Again.." Narratives of Colonial Return from the Late Eighteenth through the Nineteenth Centuries | |
Caison, Gina | Being, Feeling, and Seeing Red in the Native South | Associate Professor, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA |
Dennis, Valerie | The Divine is in the Details: Changing Representations of God in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama | Instructor of English, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX |
Fong, Ryan | Britannia | Assistant Professor, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI |
Grand, Natalie | Teaching the Turk, Teaching as the Turk: Female Characters as Tutors on the Early Modern English Stage | |
Kilgore, John | The Revival of Revolt: Enthusiasm and Event in U.S. Literature from the American Revolution to the Civil War | Associate Professor, English Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL |
McMann, Mindi | Ethical States | Associate Professor, English Department, College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ |
Pruitt, Anna | Shadow Patriarchs: Rogues, Witches, Bawds, and the Model of the Patriarchal Family in Jacobean Drama | Managing Editor, Giving USA, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indianapolis, IN |
Sperber, Lisa | The Poetic Relationship of Adrienne Rich, Jean Valentine and Jane Cooper | Lecturer, University Writing Program, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA |
Swinkin, Rachel | The Limits of Sympathy: Animals and Sentimentality in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture, 1759-1810 | |
2011 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Degnan, Cynthia | The Nation | Therapist and Counseling Coordinator, Rape Advocacy, Counseling and Education Services, Champaign, IL |
Dunn, Jason | Literacy, Pedagogy, and the Princely Reader in Mirrors for Princes of Late Medieval France and England (2011) | Associate Professor of English, Thomas University, Thomasville, GA |
Garrison, John | Enriching Friendship: Representations of Profitable Amity from Chaucer to Milton | Professor, Department of English, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA |
Hageman, Andrew | The Hour of the Machine | Associate Professor of English, Luther College, Decorah, IA |
Hopf, Courtney | Story Networks: The Politics and Poetics of Mass Collaboration | Lecturer and Program Manager, Liberal Studies and Creative Arts, New York University, London |
Irvin, Darcy | "In the Mind | Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA |
Jensen, Kristian | The Birth of Literary Ethnography: Struggles with Anthropology in Antebellum America | |
Lauro, Sarah Juliet | The Modern Zombie: Living Death in the Technological Age | Assistant Professor, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL |
Metzger, Douglas | Plots of Incline: American Local Color and Postbellum Philosophy | |
Rapatz, Vanessa | Neither This Nor That: Convents and Novices in Early Modern English Problem Plays | Assistant Professor, Ball State University, Muncie, IN |
2010 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
France, Margaret | "Now for Something Completely Different": The Non Sequitur in Daniel Defoe, Sarah Fielding, and Sarah Scott | Instructor, Yakima Valley College, Yakima, WA |
Fung, Catherine | Perpetual Refugee: Memory of the Vietnam War in Asian-American Literature | English Teacher, Lick-Wilmerding High School, San Francisco, CA |
Giannini, Natalie | Serving at the Pleasure of the Queen: Staging Counsel in Elizabethan England | Professor, Composition and Rhetoric-Literary Studies, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA |
Glass, Daniel | Total Noise: Language Poetry, Hip-Hop, and Urban Collapse | |
Langmade, Lynn | GemiNation: A Theory of Twin Literary Criticism in American Literature | Founder & Digital Marketing Consultant, Verge Marketing Agency, Lafayette, CA |
Milos, Nathan | Messthenics as an Alternative to the Avant Garde | Youth Services Librarian, Sacramento Public Library, Sacramento, CA |
Pivetti, Kyle | "We'll Remember with Advantage": National Memory and Literary Form in Early Modern England | Associate Professor of English, Norwich University, Northfield, VT |
Rodger, Katharine | "Toward the Western Sea": Science, Culture, and Narrative in the American Pacific | Continuing Lecturer, University Writing Program, UC Davis, Davis, CA |
Walker, Karen Chase | Dark Side of the Machine: Race, Technology, and Nonhumanist Beings in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony, and Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian & The Road | |
Wolf, Keri | Place, Space, and Identity in Six Old English “Comitatus” Poems | Professor, English, Bakersfield College, Bakersfield, CA |
Zanten, Clara Van | Word Clouds: Ashbery, Weather Poems, Ecology | |
2009 | ||
Alumnus | Title of Dissertation | Current Position |
Bender, Melissa | "Work Hard and Act Right": The Neoliberal Self-Made Individual in U.S. Memoir | Continuing Lecturer, University Writing Program, UC Davis, Davis, CA |
Braun, Gretchen | A Writing of Fire Within: Trauma, Transgression, and Gender in Victorian Fiction | Associate Professor of English, Furman University, Greenville, SC |
Burchett, Karen Gonzalez | Platform of Influence: The Power of Public Speaking in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction | |
Halpin, Jennifer | In Time, Just: Staging Ethics and Physics in Post-Cold War Drama | Associate Professor, English, Languages and Cultures, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA |
Jacobsen, Ann | The Poetics of Interiority: Emily Dickinson, Edith Wharton, Willa Cather and the Use of Interior Space | Adjunct Professor of English, Sacramento City College, Sacramento, CA |
Pauza, Colleen | Mysticism and the Mind: Varieties of Subjectivity in British and Irish Fiction, 1860 - 1940 and Beyond | |
Pedersen, Tara | Confounding Categories of Knowledge: Mermaids in Early Modern English Theatrical Culture | Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin, Parkside, WI |
Poll, Ryan | Main-Street Modernity: U.S. Narratives of Nationalism, Imperialism, and Exceptionalism | Assistant Professor, Graduate Coordinator & Undergraduate Advisor of English, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL |
Reddy, Vanita | e-Modeling Minority: Mapping Critical Femininities in the South Asian American Diaspora? | Associate Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
Schaberg, Chistopher | Airport Reading | Dorothy Harrel Brown Distinguished Professor of English, Loyola University New Orleans, New Orleans, LA |
Smith, Kendra O | Untimely Translation in Fourteenth-Century British Literature | Intellectual Property Analyst, UC Davis, Davis, CA |
Strong, Melissa | A Taste For Charity: The Cultural Work of American Women | Faculty, English Department, Community College of Philadelphia, PA |
Thompson, KT | A Romance with Many Reservations: American Indian Figurations and the Globalization of Indigeneity | Assistant Professor of English, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ |
Wilhelm, Julie Ann | The Funny Business of 19th-Century Sentimentalism | Academic Program Director: Bachelor of Arts Major in English, National University, Costa Mesa Campus, Costa Mesa, CA |