English 10B-1 - Winter, 2019

Literatures in English II: 1700-1900

Class Information

Instructor: Hintze, Thomas
CRN: 33149
Time: TR 10:30-11:50
Location: 229 Wellman


English 10B, the second of three courses in the required Literatures in English sequence, is designed to prepare you for the advanced study of literature in upper-division courses. In this course, we will study Anglophone literature written between 1700 and 1900. We will read poetry, fiction, and drama with an eye toward developing your close-reading skills. Through our reading, we will follow major literary and historical movements, and carefully explore the historical and political contexts in which these texts appeared. This course will focus in particular on the reemergence of satire as a literary genre and mode of popular discourse in the 18th and 19th century. We will survey satirical works on both sides of the Atlantic and consider how literature shaped political discourse and conversely how political discourse shaped literary production.


Participation: 15%
Short Writing Assignments: 15%
Close Reading Paper: 20%
Research Paper: 30%
Final Exam: 20%