English 10C-3 - Fall, 2018

Literatures in English III: 1900-Present

Class Information

Instructor: Coller, Bryan
CRN: 21767
Time: TR 1:40-3:00
Location: 290 Gym


This final course in a chronological series (English 10C) will continue to refine the critical reading and writing skills required for upper-division literary study. Working through various genres and movements, this class will ask how the social, economic, and political forces of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries impacted Anglophone literature. In general, how do aesthetics and histories interact? This class will examine a range of literary texts in an attempt to formulate some responses to this problem. In particular, the assembled texts share in their presentation of dispossession in terms of exploitation, racialization, environmental disaster, and/or other forms of political and bodily violence that make life in the contemporary world increasingly precarious.


Reading Responses
Short Paper (4 pages)
Long Paper (6 pages)
Final Exam


Cane, Toomer
Mumbo Jumbo, Reed
Through the Arc of the Rainforest , Yamashita
Descent of Alette, Notley
thisconnectionofeveryonewithlungs, Spahr
Citizen, Rankine