English 110A - Summer Sessions I, 2019

Introduction to Literary Theory

Class Information

Instructor: Page, Ryan
CRN: 53881
Time: MTW 12:10-1:50
Location: 2310 Gallagher


Literary Theory 110A is the first of the two part sequence in the rudiments of theory and criticism offered by the Department of English. In 110A, we will cover material from the ancients to the end of the nineteenth century. Providing many intersections within other disciplines in the humanities, this course addresses various topics essential to the practice of aesthetics, including issues relating to the formal properties of art, the relationship between acts of representation and and their origins in perception and experience, and the role of art in social and personal development.

The principal textbook for this course is the Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism; be sure you are acquiring the 3nd edition of this text, as it differs in material from the first two. I have also provided inexpensive editions of two fictional texts we will be reading during the quarter; feel free to use any other versions of these you have available. One or two additional readings will be provided by me in PDF format.



Short Assignments 20%
Term Paper 40%
Midterm 10%
Final 20%
Attendance & Participation 10%


Shakespeare, Tempest
Sophocles, Oedipus