English 149-1 - Winter, 2022

Topics in Literature

Topic: Global London


Class Information

Instructor: Frederickson, Kathleen
CRN: 44409
Time: MWF 1:10-2:00
Location: 1120 Hart
GE Areas: Writing Experience


Global London explores how poems, plays, novels, and films represent the British capital?s relation to the rest of the world, focusing on London as the administrative center for the British empire, as an ?emporium? for colonial imports and other foreign consumer goods, as a host to foreign travelers, and as a multi-lingual city of immigrants.


2 papers
in-class presentation


Beer in the Snooker Club, Ghali
Brick Lane, Ali
Mr Loverman, Evaristo
The Sign of Four, Conan Doyle
PDFs on Canvas