English 178 - Fall, 2022

Topics in Nations, Regions, & Other Cultural Geographies

Class Information

Instructor: Martín, Desirée
CRN: 32106
Time: MWF 11:00-11:50
Location: 230 Wellman
GE Areas: Writing Experience


"21st century Latinidades"

What do Latinidades and Latina/o/x Studies look like in the 21st century? How are Latina/o/x identities performed, represented, and challenged? How does Latina/o/x Studies intersect with American Studies, Latin American Studies, and/or studies of the Global South? How do Latina/o/x identities engage with and help shape theories of race, ethnicity, gender/sexualities, immigration/migration, undocumentation, language and translation, affect and emotion, genre and media, or domesticity? How do contemporary Latinas/os/x "write the self" or "perform the self"? In this course, we will examine these questions and beyond through reading, viewing, listening to, and interacting with a range of recent texts and cultural objects. An initial reading list is below; grading TBA





"Unaccompanied", Zamora
?The Undocumented Americans? , Villavicencio
"Corazon", Salgado
?Peluda?, Lozada-Oliva
"Mean", Gurba
?Children of the Land?, Castillo