English 183 - Fall, 2023

Young Adult Literature

Class Information

Instructor: Tinonga-Valle, Jennifer
CRN: 52450
Time: MWF 9:00-9:50
Location: 146 Olson
GE Areas: Writing Experience


Walk into any bookstore and or public library and the vast and sprawling landscape of young adult fiction stretches out before you. Once a tiny section tucked into a dark corner of the children's department, in recent decades this genre of literature has come into its own, capturing the imagination of millions of teen and adult readers and inspiring many major film and television series.

In this course, we will explore YA fiction that encompasses a range of literary styles and perspectives, from enduring coming-of-age stories and novels to today's popular series. We will read fantasy, science fiction, dystopian, and problem novels. In addition to building a definition for Young Adult Literature, we will explore the recurring themes and the innovative forms and narrative styles that characterize this popular and continuously-evolving category of writing.


Reading Journal, Two essays, Homework, Classwork and Participation, Final Exam

Course texts may include the following:


A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin
Speak: The Graphic Novel, Laurie Halse Anderson and Emily Carroll
Cinder, Marissa Meyer
The Fault in Our Stars , John Green
The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros
Heartstopper, Alice Oseman
The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton
The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins