English 288 - Winter, 2023

Prospectus Workshop

Class Information

Instructor: Waters, Claire
CRN: 23664
Time: M 1:10-3:00
Location: 120 Voorhies


The aim of this workshop is to help you develop a dissertation project that you are excited about and feel ready to start pursuing. The prospectus itself is several things: a record of a thought process; a robust and plausible case for a project worth undertaking; a structure for keeping you mindful of important questions about your project. We will work on all these aspects (among others) in the course of the quarter.

While the prospectus document itself will be our main focus, an essential second focus will be on process and practicalities: how to choose a committee, both for quals and for the dissertation; how to establish a good working relationship with your committee; how to be realistic about your own processes as a thinker and writer and about constraints you face as you imagine dissertation writing.



Consistent attendance and participation - 50%
Completion of informal process assignments - 30%
Draft of prospectus at end of quarter - 20%