English 290F - Fall, 2022

Creative Writing: Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Corin, Lucy
Time: R 12:10-3:00
Location: 248 Voorhies


This is a graduate level fiction writing workshop. Priority for seats is given to MFA candidates in creative writing. Students from other programs are welcome, space permitting; interested students should send a writing sample (fiction) to me when requesting permission to enroll.

Texts, as well as the focus and shape of the course are TBD in relation to what is going on in the world when I want the course to be a place of refuge and invention. I am always interested in embracing the vast potentialities of narrative through the specificity of written form to make things that respond to the real and the now.

Please register asap, and turn on Canvas notifications for email, so that when I contact you via Canvas to order books or to prepare for our first meeting before school starts, you'll get the message. It also helps folks on the wait list know their schedules.



Assuming appropriate attendance and completion of assignments, grades are based on the quality of writing submitted; the quality of revision work; the quality, usefulness, and consistency of classroom participation; and the intensity of inquiry in both collective and individual aspects of the course.