English 3 Expanded Course Description

Introduction to Literature – Expanded Course Description

Catalogue Description

English 3, Introduction to Literature (4), I, II, III. Lecture/Discussion - 4 hours.  Prerequisite: completion of Entry Level Writing requirement. Introductory study of several genres of English literature, emphasizing both analysis of particular works and the range of forms and styles in English prose and poetry.Instruction in reading literature closely and in writing about literature accurately and interestingly.


In this class, you will learn how to read and write at a university level. You will, in particular, be trained in how to read literary texts, and write about them. You will learn the basics of vocabulary to equip you with the skills to think and write about writing and reading, grammar and syntax, form and style. This vocabulary will be important no matter what you study. The class will have a practical component. This course will equip you with what you need to read and write about writing. But the course goes beyond that. You will be trained to write properly and read literary texts of all kinds, aloud and on your own. We will be investigating how to enjoy literature thoroughly and completely, with intelligence and imagination. 

Topical outline

  • Close reading skills: analyzing different types of literary texts; reading for content and style.
  • Summarizing and paraphrasing literary texts.
  • Strategies for organizing writing about literature.
  • How to write an essay (thesis statement, use of evidence, grammar, syntax, punctuation).
  • Coverage of various periods and styles of English literature.



  • The course will be graded by a letter grade.
  • There will be in class assignments and homework.
  • Participation will be reflected in the final course grade.
  • Students will write a minimum of 6000 words.
  • The number and weight of each assignment will vary at the instructor's discretion, but there will be:
    • At least one substantial essay.
    • In-class writing.
    • In-class final exam.