Awards, Publications, & Projects

Awards, Publications, and Projects for English Department Faculty, Emeriti, Lecturers, Visiting Faculty, Graduate Students, and Undergraduates in 2022-2023.
Recent and Forthcoming Faculty Books
Elizabeth Freeman | ![]() | The co-edited anthology Queer Kinship: Race, Sex, Belonging, Form was published in Fall 2022 with Duke UP. |
Matthew Stratton | ![]() | The edited anthology The Routledge Companion to Politics and Literature in English was published by Routledge in May 2023. |
Hsuan Hsu | ![]() | Air Conditioning will be published by Bloomsbury in Winter 2024. |
Faculty Updates
Gina Bloom | This year, the digital Shakespeare game Bloom co-created with Colin Milburn and others at the UC Davis ModLab received the award for Best VR/AR game at the games and education conference "Meaningful Play." Bloom collaborated with former undergraduate student Amanda Shores to write about the educational program for Play the Knave that they co-developed. The article has just been published in the edited collection Reimagining Shakespeare Education: Teaching and Learning Through Collaboration (Cambridge University Press, 2023). |
Joshua Clover | The Marxist Institute for Research (MIR), a systemwide organization of faculty and graduate students (of which Joshua is the director), has been given a UCHRI Faculty Working Group grant for a second consecutive year, toward its project of supporting historical materialist research and pedagogy; this program of "renewal grants" is new and MIR is fortunate to be its first recipient ever. MIR also received support to engage two graduate students in developing resources and archives in 2023-24, one of whom will be from UC Davis. |
Lucy Corin | Corin was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for Fiction as well as a Macdowell Colony Residency Fellowship. |
Elizabeth Freeman | Elizabeth Freeman published Queer Kinship: Race, Sex, Belonging, Form (edited with Tyler Bradway, Duke UP) in September 2022. She has an article forthcoming in differences: A Journal of Feminist Culture Studies, "Parasymptomatic Reading: Medical Kink, Care, and the Surface/Depth Debate." |
Hsuan Hsu | Hsuan Hsu co-edited (with David Vázquez) a special forum of the Journal of Transnational American Studies titled "The Molecular Intimacies of Empire," and co-edited (with Erica Fretwell) a special issue of American Literature titled "Senses With/Out Subjects." He has been writing a short book, Air Conditioning (forthcoming from Bloomsbury), and has presented research at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art and the Jule Collins Museum of Fine Art. |
Tobias Menely | Tobias Menely's Climate and the Making of Worlds (University of Chicago Press, 2021) was awarded the Robert Penn Warren-Cleanth Brooks Award for literary scholarship and criticism as well the Michelle Kendrick Memorial Book Prize by the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. |
Elizabeth Miller | Liz Miller's most recent book, Extraction Ecologies and the Literature of the Long Exhaustion (Princeton UP, 2021), received the Stansky Book Prize from the North American Conference on British Studies and Honorable Mention for the Ecocriticism Book Prize from the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. It was also named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year. |
Katie Peterson | Katie Peterson won the Meringoff Award for Poetry, which was presented at the ALSCW conference at Yale University in Fall 2022. She has published poetry in the Harvard Review, the Cortland Review, the Atlantic Monthly, and the Los Angeles Review of Books. She curated a feature on poet Sarah Stickney for the Carolina Quarterly and interviewed poet Walt Hunter for the Los Angeles Review of Books. |
Margaret Ronda | Margaret Ronda's article, "Ballad Poetics in the Era of Black Lives Matter," was published in American Literary History in Winter 2022. She delivered a keynote at the Modernist Studies Association conference in October 2022. |
Matthew Stratton | Matthew Stratton is spending the year as a Visiting Researcher in the Department of English and German at the University of Granada, where he delivered a plenary address at the annual conference of the Spanish Association for American Studies. He edited The Routledge Companion to Politics and Literature in English, a 250,000+ word volume with essays by Urvashi Chakravarti, Mary Rambaran-Olm, Jennifer Rhee, Juno Jill Richards, Mario Ortiz-Robles, Anthony Reed, and 38 other scholars, including English Department graduate student Ali Maas (the only pre-doctoral contributor in the volume). |
Tiffany Werth | At the MLA in San Francisco (January 2023), Werth launched a creative critical project that entailed setting three early modern sonnets (two English, and one French) to a House soundtrack. The School of Night Sonnet Songs are available for private listening and classroom use at this link. She is also one of eleven College of Letters and Sciences recipients for the UC Davis Research Revitalization Grant Program. |
Graduate Students
Ava Bindas | Ava Bindas worked with the One More Voice digital humanities project to conduct archival research and publish an article entitled "Editing, Education, and Imitation in Indian Missionary Conversion Accounts." She began serving as an Associate Editor for Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom, a peer-reviewed digital humanities project that reimagines how to teach Victorian Studies through a positive, race-conscious lens. She also received a 2023-2024 Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Educational Foundation Dissertation Writing Fellowship. |
Rachael DeWitt | Rachael DeWitt's article, "Thoreauvian Disappointment: Losing the Plot in The Maine Woods,” was published in ESQ's December 2022 issue. Rachael continues to co-edit the G19 New Book Forum, a project of the graduate student collective within C19, the Society for Nineteenth-Century Americanists. This past year she was the recipient of the 2022 Thoreau Country Conservation Alliance Graduate Student Fellowship. This fall, she will begin a lectureship in the Columbia University Writing Program. |
Bowen Du | Bowen presented a paper titled "Full Qi Ahead: Railroad Colonialism, Geomancy, and the Chinese American Western" at the Western Literature Association Conference in October 2022. He received the J. Golden Taylor Award for the best paper presented by a graduate student. |
Laura Frater | Laura Frater will be co-writing and co-hosting a forthcoming podcast with the editor of the Two Rivers Tribune (Allie Hostler, Hoopa Valley Tribe), which will feature multiple stories of missing Hoopa Tribal members and explain the MMIP crisis. The podcast is in collaboration with Tenderfoot TV and will be released under the "Up and Vanished" franchise this year. |
Allison Fulton | Allison Fulton is contributing the essay “‘All change, no loss, ‘tis revolution all’: Maria Mitchell’s Circular Environments & Collaboratory Spheres” to the forthcoming edited collection The History of NASA and the Environment (eds. Neil Maher and Brian Odom). She has been collaborating with Grace Hayes on various bookmaking projects, including the artist’s book Textere which will be displayed at the Manetti Shrem Museum of Arts & Humanities 2023 Graduate Exhibition. Also, with Rachael DeWitt and Max Laitman Chapnick, she co-edits the G19 New Book Forum, a project of the graduate student collective within C19, the Society for Nineteenth-Century Americanists. She received a 2023-24 Albert M. Greenfield Dissertation Fellowship from the Library Company of Philadelphia. |
Grace Hayes | Grace Hayes received the Deirdre Hackett Endowment which she used to support her dissertation fieldwork during the summer of 2022. She collaborated with Allison Fulton on two bookmaking projects. One was a zine entitled "Reading Lake Superior" that was part of the experimental conference “DIY Methods” organized by The Low-Carbon Research Methods Group. They also made an artist's book together that explores the etymology of the word "text." It will be displayed at the Manetti Shrem Museum in the Arts & Humanities 2023 Graduate Exhibition from June 8-26. |
George Hegarty | As a 2022-2023 Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski fellow at Bodega Marine Laboratory this spring, George is writing and implementing a "Blue Humanities" curriculum for a group of high school students in Central Oregon. Also, with PI Tiffany Jo Werth and co-organizer Ali Maas, he is part of a UCHRI graduate student working group that is preparing a digital mapping project entitled "Coast as Crisis," which examines intersecting crises along a 20-mile span of California coastline. |
Kaceylee Klein | Kaceylee Klein published their first paper this year: "Rural Bashing" was co-written with UC Davis Law professor Lisa Pruitt and published in the University of Richmond Law Review's special edition, "Overlooked America." |
Alison Maas | Alison Maas received a 2023-2024 Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Educational Foundation Dissertation Writing Fellowship. |
Yasmin Mendoza | Yasmin Mendoza has presented a paper entitled "Unscene Censorship: The Controversial Reception of Walt Disney’s Lightyear" at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference. She also participated in the Coast to Coast conference as a panel organizer and a presenter, sharing her work entitled “We Waka Together: An Exploration of the Epistemology of Love in Robert Harrison’s Star Waka." She was also awarded the Public Impact award as a semi-finalist at the UC Davis Grad Slam. This summer she will be presenting her work "The Diegetic Process: Black Mirror Examines the Growing Apprehensions Surrounding Diegetic Prototypes" at the Mellon Mays Graduate Summer conference. |
Jonathan Radocay | Jonathan Radocay has published a review of Earthworks Rising: Mound Building in Native Literature and Arts by Chadwick Allen for the Wicazo Sa Review 35:1&2. He has also contributed an article, "Re-membering Allotment in Cherokee Nation," to a forthcoming special issue of Transmotion on Cherokee Studies. This spring, he will be presenting a paper, “‘If I want them at all I will come myself and get them’: Kinscapes and Reinscribing Allotment Landscapes,” at the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association conference in Toronto. And finally this fall he will be joining the English department at the University of Washington, Seattle as a tenure-track assistant professor specializing in American Indian and Indigenous literary studies. |
Emily Rich | Emily Rich was awarded the 2022 Dean's Graduate Summer Fellowship and the 2022-23 Walter and Dianne Harrison Fund Award. Her analysis of the recent UC strike, "After the Strike: Reflections on the UC Struggle," was published in the March 2023 issue of the Brooklyn Rail. She also received a 2023-2024 Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Educational Foundation Dissertation Writing Fellowship. |
Breanne Weber | Breanne Weber is contributing an essay entitled “White Christmas Pie, Smooth as Monumental Alabaster: The Past and Future Politics of Shakespearean Cookbooks” to a special issue of the Journal of Early Modern Studies entitled The Politics of Book History: Then and Now (eds. Georgina Wilson and Zachary Lesser), forthcoming 2025. Her review of Megan Heffernan’s monograph Making the Miscellany: Poetry, Print, and the History of the Book in Early Modern England (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021) is forthcoming in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (2023), and two public-facing blog posts based on her funded research at the Bodleian Library in summer 2022 are forthcoming in Early Modern Female Book Ownership. Breanne is also a recipient of the 2022 Walter & Dianne Harrison Fellowship, and she was invited to participate in two mentorship panels for the Office of Graduate Studies and the MANO Community College pilot project. This fall, Breanne will be joining the College Fellows as a Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer in the Engagements program at the University of Virginia. |
Alessa Johns | Alessa Johns co-founded the environmental organization Yolo Land and Water Defense and is working with them to sue a local mining company. Her article "Austen's Persuasion" is under contract with Oxford University Press and will appear in Persuasion After Rhetoric in the Eighteenth Century and Romantic Period, edited by Yasmin Solomonescu and Stefan Uhlig. |
Linda Morris | Linda Morris published an essay entitled, "Aunt Polly and Becky Thatcher in Three Dimensions," in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Critical Insights edited by R. Kent Rasmussen. She also delivered a lecture in "The Trouble Begins at Eight" series sponsored by the Mark Twain Hartford House and Museum on the final years in the life of Mark Twain's oldest daughter, Susy Clemens. That lecture is the core of a forthcoming article on the same topic in the Mark Twain Annual. |
Alan Williamson | Alan Williamson’s book, Dante and the Night Journey, will be published by Anthem in June 2023. |
Karl Zender | In 2022-23, Karl Zender published "Professorial Tourism: Reflections on Examples" in The International Journal of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. A second article, "William Faulkner's Mink Snopes and Southern Livestock Control Practices," is forthcoming in Mississippi Quarterly. Under submission are two other essays, "Hamlet and Death, Once Again" and "William Faulkner's Gavin Stevens and 'Forming Her Mind.'" |
Lecturers and Visiting Faculty
Chip Badley | Chip Badley is the 2023-24 Hench Post-Dissertation Fellow at the American Antiquarian Society. |
Iris Jamahl Dunkle | Iris Jamahl Dunkle was chosen for a one-week residency at Bethany Arts in Ossining, NY. She has been invited to attend “Willa Cather: Place and Archive,” an NEH Institute for Higher Education Faculty that will take place in person in Lincoln and Red Cloud, Nebraska, from July 16-28, 2023. Her poem "Rot" was published in the Fall issue of Orion Magazine. And her poem “Earthquake” was published in Heron Tree in Fall 2022. |
Kenneth Connally | Connally published the essay entitled “Hedone in Eden: The Queerness of Pleasure in Paradise Lost” in the spring 2023 issue of Milton Quarterly. |
End-of-the-Year English Department Awards
Celeste Turner Wright Poetry Prize
- 1st Place: Sarah Mayo
- Honorable Mention: Emily Masuda
Pamela Maus Contest in Creative Writing
- 1st Place: Jesse Saldivar
- 2nd Place: Reed Waters
- 3rd Place: Kiley Egan
- Honorable Mention: Siena Costanzo
- 1st Place: Cami Rothmuller
- 2nd Place: Kiley Egan
- 3rd Place: Jesse Saldivar
- Honorable Mentions: Lauren Broker, Mira Park, Emma Tolliver
Diana Lynn Bogart Prize for Fiction
- 1st Place: Coralie Border
- 2nd Place: Kiley Egan
- Honorable Mentions: Natalie Anderson and Caitlin Leong
Lois Ann Lattin Rosenberg Award for the Best Creative Writing Honors Project
- Kiley Egan
Peter Hays Writing Prize
- Allison Lam
Lois Ann Lattin Rosenberg Award for the Best Honors Undergraduate Critical Thesis
- 1st Place: Adeeb Abassi
- Honorable Mention: Sarah Woodall
Lois Ann Lattin Rosenberg Outstanding Graduating Senior Award
- 1st Place: Kiley Egan
- Honorable Mention: Courtney Beale
Graduate Prize in Prose and Poetry
- Aleksia Silverman
- Nadaa Hussein
Honorable Mention
- Courtney Beale
Professor Jack Hicks Award in English
- Stacey Baran
- Jeremy Freeman
- Rosette Simityan
- Katherine Rosen
- Melissa French
- Lani Lam
- Natalie Robertson
- Hans Wagner
Dierdre Hackett Endowment for Graduate and Undergraduate Experiential Learning
- Elijah Two Bears
- Trevor Bashaw
- Maria Martinez Castro
Undergraduate Citations for Outstanding Performance in the Major
- Fiona Helena Davis
- Gillian (Yan Yan) Long Xiaoyan Hustis Hayes
- Laura Anne Loomis
- Aurora Adelaide Miner
- Jacob R Anderson
- Raef William Chartier
- Johnathan Daniel Chew
- Katarina Marin Allison Schultz
- Alana Lauren Eng
- Jenna Marie Gebhart
- Kristin M Trent
- Andre Niccolo Puerto Aldana
- Farrah Ali Ballou
- Courtney Jade Beale
- Grace-Anne Kallie Bell
- Coralie Loon Border
- Matthew Cameron Boutelle
- Anna Rae Devereaux
- Jessica Ann Diggs
- Kiley Brianna Egan
- Claire Elizabeth Erwin
- Emma Elisabeth Griffis
- Madeline Star Heintz
- Natalie Jacob
- Rojean Arianne Janzad
- Brynn Ashlyn Kan
- Nicole Samantha Knauer
- Hope Eunhye Koonin
- William Matthew Lancaster
- Christina Huiyeon Lee
- Antoinette Nicole Lim
- Sabine Jasmin Lloyd
- Mira Park
- Brian Matthew Ramanis
- Katherine Lorelle Rosen
- Owen Patrick Ruderman
- Shahraz S Sardar-Christian
- Julia Anne Shurman
- Emily Marie Thomas
- Emma Lee Tolliver
- Kirk Kiet Hoang (Kirk) Tran
- Reed Stuart Waters
- Sarah Margaret Lynn Woodall