New Graduates Eli Elster and Mimi McMillan Recognized with College and University Awards

At this year's commencement, graduating seniors Eli Elster, a double major in English and cognitive science, and Mimi McMillan, a double major in English and Art Studio, were recognized with major awards.
Eli received the Veloyce Glenn Winslow, Jr., Award for his outstanding leadership, scholarship, integrity, and service to the university community. Eli was also the recipient of the College of Letters and Science's Leon Mayhew Memorial Award for 2022, given each year to an undergraduate majoring in music, art or literature for their academic achievement and service to the university; you can read more about his accomplishments here.
Mimi received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research; she was one of four winners from across the university. Her essay "'Like Footsteps upon Wool': Philology, Ecology, and Tennyson's Early Lyrics," completed in her second year as a transfer student and directed by Professor Elizabeth Miller, also won the department's 2021 Elliot Gilbert Award for the best critical honors thesis.
We're delighted to celebrate the success not just of Eli and Mimi, but of all our 2022 graduates. Please see the department newsletter for further information on some of their many achievements.