Prof. Lucy Corin Wins Distinguished Teaching Award

Lucy Corin was awarded the 2018-19 Academic Senate award for Distinguished Teaching, Graduate and Professional, a tremendous honor. The prize committee wrote this about Prof. Corin’s work with graduate students:
As a teacher in the Creative Writing Program (she served as the program director, 2013-18), she has inspired many graduate students to become successful fiction writers. Her students comment that she spends hours and hours mentoring and challenging them. They see in her a rare combination of relentless creativity as a writer and an unparalleled generosity and dedication to their creative work. Her own acclaimed record of experimental prose has attracted many creative writing students to the English department. Her peers, moreover, commend her energy, passion and commitment to her students. Those who have studied under Professor Corin recognize her great enthusiasm in class, accessibility during office hours and devotion in supporting them.
More information about this year’s award winners can be found at: