Student Profile Series: Elana Nager

Student Profile Series: Elana Nager

Say hello to Elana Nager, a senior English (Literature, Criticisim, and Theory emphasis) & Environmental Policy, Analysis, and Planning minor, graduating this upcoming Spring 2020. 

elana_1.jpegWhat is the most memorable English class you've taken at UC Davis? Why?

The most memorable English class I have taken at UC Davis is ENL 154-Graphic Novel with Professor Colin Milburn. Professor Milburn's knowledge on graphic novels enabled me to reach a deeper understanding and appreciation for the genre. This English class was different from what I was used to and I was able to explore a different type of literature that I would not have normally seen. We were also tasked with creative assignments like drawing our own comic page that had to have a clear argument.

What essay/project are you most excited about right now? Why?

Right now, I am taking an English class just for fun. I am taking ENL 005- Writing: Fiction. Since my emphasis is in Literature, Criticism, and Theory, I have never had a creative writing assignment and thought it would be fun to try. I am working on a creative short story and I am excited to see where it goes!

What is your favorite book/author? Why?

My favorite book is probably still The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger. When I read this book for the first time in high school I had my first moment of pure awe for what an author has created. This book spoke to me specially as a teenager as it is a story about growing up, and it will always be my favorite classic.

Why did you decide to major in English?

Reading and writing have always been my strong suits in school and they are also what I enjoy doing the most. My father read to me every night as a kid and reading has just been ingrained in elana_2.jpegmy way of life for a long time. In high school, I had an English teacher who solidified my love for literature and writing critically about it. The English subject has always been a place of comfort for me but also somewhere where I am still continuously challenged.

What is something you want other English Majors to know about your work?

The versatility and value of the English major is really unique. I plan to go to law school for environmental law and my English major has given me the ability to present hard scientific facts in a way where everyone can resonate with them. Majoring in English gives individuals a special set of skills that can be applied to other fields, and to the real world. The ability to critically read and eloquently write puts all English majors at a huge advantage and leaves them with valuable skills that go beyond one specific field.