Student Profile Series: Michael Gonzalez

In addition to being an English major, Michael is a Research Assistant at the Center for Educational Effectiveness. He's currently working on a senior project that analyzes when and how first year, second year, and/or first generation students seek academic help. We asked him three questions about this research and his major.
My research is to learn what motivates students to seek help on writing assignments; to learn where they go to seek help, if they do; and to learn how they feel about seeking help. So, I hope that the information I collect will prove my hypothesis that Freshmen and Sophomores don’t seek help and are not motivated. And the way I’m going about learning all this information is through an online survey. I have partnered with a few English Department instructors to survey their students. Also, I plan on working with the tutoring services on campus to help better target ways to reach out to students.
What inspired you to engage in this work?
My time spent as a writing tutor opened my mind to the world of education, and it inspired me to be passionate about it. This passion I’ve developed has inspired me to plan a career in education as a professor and/or administrative personnel (i.e. Dean). I also really want to make a difference and/or impact wherever I go.
I think my favorite part of being an English major is all the interesting and challenging books I get to read. They allow me to open my mind and discover new things, and I learn new ways to think about the world. I also really appreciate all the amazing professors I’ve had because they are so welcoming and open to making sure their students are successful. The passion they bring to class makes class very enjoyable. Additionally, my experience in the major has been really nice because of how helpful and open the faculty and staff are.