Dissertation: On Nature's Tumbling Cliff: Literature and Geographies of Coastal Erosion, 1870-1956
Vanderbilt University, B.A. with a double major in English and Classical Civilizations, 2014-2017.
Publications (select)
“Oceans.” In The Routledge Companion to Politics and Literature in English. Edited by Matthew Stratton. Routledge Literature Companions. New York: Routledge, 2023.
“‘Near the Sea:’ Maritime Kinship and Oceanic Kinship in Stevenson’s Treasure Island.” Atlantic Studies, for special issue, “Kinship as Critical Idiom for Oceanic Studies,” June 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/14788810.2021.2000831.
“‘Where Tide and River Meet’: The Estuarial Imaginaries of Sarah Orne Jewett, H.D., and Louise Bogan.” Comparative American Studies: An International Journal, December 2020, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/14775700.2020.1868255.
Fellowships and Grants (select)
Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Dissertation Fellowship, UC Davis: 2023-2024.
Summer Institute for Environmental Humanities, Colby College: Summer 2023.
MLA Convention Grant: 2023.
ASLE Subvention Grant: 2022-2023.
“Coast as Crisis: A Humanities-led Multi-Campus Graduate Working Group on Narratives, Ecologies, and Politics of the California Coast” a multicampus graduate student working group. Grant Awarded by University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI). Co-organized with George Hegarty: 2022-2023.
Bilinski Fellowship at Bodega Bay Marine Lab, UC Davis: 2020-2021.
Public Humanities projects
MLA Public Humanities Incubator participant, Modern Languages Association (MLA), San Francisco/2023. web page
“Left of the Coast,” digital counter-cartography project, UCHRI funded. Project Description
Producer of “California’s Eroding Coastline” Podcast Series funded by the Bilinski Fellowship at Bodega Bay Marine Lab. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/californias-eroding-coastline/id1617679050
Co-Editor of Searchable Sea Library for the Maritime Studies Program of Williams College & Mystic Seaport and manager of its “Blue Humanities and Searchable Sea Literature” public Zotero. https://www.zotero.org/groups/4421701/blue_humanities_searchable_sea_lit...
Compiler of “A Bibliography to the Study of Sea Literature” for Searchable Sea Library. https://sites.williams.edu/searchablesealit/a-bibliography-to-the-study-...