Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
improvisation. invention. caribbean. black life. living in the questions.
“New energies of darkness/we disturbed a continent/like seeds.” -June Jordan, “Who Look at Me”
Working from within a Caribbean intellectual tradition, I am interested in possibilities of encounter between Black Studies and Dalit Studies unmoored from their position within the analogical fulcrum (Race=Caste) of US based comparative theorizations of colonization. Contiguously, I want to explore how such an encounter is informed by a politics/poetics of imagination – indebted to a Black queer diaspora tradition and Dalit literary traditions – that refuse repertoires of repair/redress/recovery.
Research Interests
Black Feminist Thought, Third World Literatures, Black Studies, Caribbean Intellectual Tradition, Subaltern Studies, Dalit Studies, Anti-colonial Theory and Literatures, Women of Color Feminisms, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Queer of Color Critique.
Wingate, Colin. ‘by nothing Human: Towards a Method of Refusal and Imagination in Black Studies.’ Bodies that Haunt: Rethinking the Political Economy of Racialized Death. (article manuscript under preparation, invited to special issue in Cultural Studies)
2019 Wingate, Colin. “Fast And Out Of Place.” AGITATE! : http://agitatejournal.org/article/fast-and-out-of-place/.
Refereed Conference Presentations
2023 ‘Canon Fonder: Tracing Love as Discipline and Critique.’ Roundtable at American Studies Association. Montreal, Québec. November 2023
2022 ‘Bodies that Haunt: Rethinking the Political Economy of Racialized Death.’ Roundtable at the National Women’s Studies Association. Minneapolis, MN.
November 2022.
2021 ‘by nothing Human: Towards a Method of Refusal and Imagination in Black Studies. Paper Presentation at American Studies Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
November 2021. [accepted; unable to attend]
2019 ‘Being on the Fly: Sylvia Wynter, Black Performance, and the Inventiveness of Black Life.’ Paper Presentation at National Women’s Studies Association. San Francisco, CA. November 2019. [accepted; unable to attended]
2018 ‘Fast and Out of Place": A Meditation on Unruly Black Being.’ Paper Presentation at National Women’s Studies Association. Atlanta, GA. November 2018.