Courtney Cahalan is a PhD Candidate in English literature, with a Designated Emphasis in Feminist Theory and Research. She studies early modern English literature and her research interests include representations of dreams and early modern dream culture, epistemology, science and literature, gender and sexuality, literacy and reading practices.
Ph.D. English. University of California, Davis. 2017 - present. (In progress).
M.A. English. Colorado State University. 2015.
B.A. English, Philosophy. University of South Florida. 2011.
Courses Taught
COM 2: Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
ENL 3: Introduction to Literature
ENL 3A: Writers' Workshop
ENL 40: Introductory Topics in Literature (Topic: Genre and Dream Visions)
ENL 52: Pop Culture Shakespeare
ENL 393: Teaching Literature & Composition (TA Practicum). Co-taught as TAC with Tobias Menely.
UWP 1: Introduction to Academic Literacies
Select Fellowships and Awards
Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award. University of California, Davis. 2022-2023.
Teaching Assistant Consultant Fellowship. Center for Educational Effectiveness. University of California, Davis. 2022-2023.
Fellowship. MLA Teaching Institute on Reading and Writing at Access-Oriented Institutions. Modern Language Association. 2021.
Provost's Fellowship in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. University of California, Davis. 2017-2018.
Englund Fellowship. University of California, Davis. 2017-2018.
Smith-Schamberger Literature Fellowship. Colorado State University. Fall 2015.
Select Conference Presentations
“‘Imaginarie in manner; reall in matter’: Disembodied Experimentation in Rachel Speght’s ‘The Dreame.’” Shakespeare Association of America. April 2024.
"Light, Sight, Bright: The Optics and Speculation of Aemilia Lanyer's Dream Vision." Pacific, Ancient, and Modern Language Association. November 2021.
"Don't Feed the Beast: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Through Collaborative-Based Approaches to Graduate Study." Pacific, Ancient, and Modern Language Association. November 2021.
"Dream Envisioning: Aemilia Lanyer's Speculative Poetics." Sixteenth Century Society & Conference. October 2021.
“The Tortoise and the Turtle: Teaching Pulter’s Emblems Within a Larger Literary Tradition.” Teaching with The Pulter Project. Northwestern University. May 2021.
“Towards an Alchemical Reading Practice: The Transmutation of Experience and Knowledge in Hester Pulter’s Emblems.” ASLE. June 2019.
Select Service
Internal Vice President. Graduate Student Association. 2022-2024.
Graduate Student Representative. Graduate Council, Academic Senate. 2022-2024.
Co-Chair. English Graduate Student Association. 2021-2022.
Secretary. Graduate Student Association. 2020-2022.
Vice Chair. English Graduate Student Association. 2019-2021.
Peer Mentor. English Graduate Student Association. 2019-2020.
English Department Representative. Graduate Student Association. 2018-2020.