David Robertson

David Robertson's picture

Position Title
Professor Emeritus



Ph.D. University of California, Irvine, English,1972
Ph.D. Yale University, Biblical Studies,1966
M.A. University of Toronto, Ancient Near Eastern Language and Literature, 1964
B.A. Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, 1962

Professor Robertson is the author of the recently published book, Real Matter. Professor Robertson joined the UC Davis faculty as Assistant Professor in 1971 and advanced to Professor of English in 1991. Robertson's areas of emphasis include interdisciplinary study of ecology and literature, bioregion studies, literature of wilderness, the Bible as literature, and photography. Professor Robertson was the Department Chair for 2003- June 2006.

Publication Spotlight


Real Matter
by David Robertson

In Real Matter, David Robertson tells the stories of american authors (Fitz Hugh Ludlow, Clarence King, John Muir, Mary Austin, Jack Kerouac, Gary Snyder, Phillip Whalen), whose real life mountain adventures surface in their writings. He examines how they recast their alpine excursions in literature. While he retraces the steps of the authors he writes about, Robertson is also keeping a journal and taking photographs. He is seeking a "secret at the heart of the universe"; he wants to find out what meaning these authors found in the mountains and what meaning he can find on their trail