Ph.D. Candidate and Poet
Areas of Interest:
Contemporary Poetry
Literary Theory
20th Century Continental Philosophy
American and British Literature, 1950-present
American and British Literature 1900-1945
Posthumanist Studies
Environmental Humanities
Conference Presentations:
“Body / as dust leper”: Will Alexander’s Animist Organic Form and Decolonial Ecopoetics / University of California, Los Angeles, November 2022.
“dancing in the / midnight sun not for law, or man, but for whale and blood”: Reading with dg nanouk okpik’s Corpse Whale for the Affects of Material Culture in Indigenous and Settler Ecologies / University of California, Davis, June 2019
“‘An Epiphany for Distance and Crossing’: Reading the Environmental Poetics of Mei-mei Berssenbrugge’s Hello, the Roses with Robert Kocik’s Speculative Biology,” (Un)Bound Horizons: Flights, Faults, Ruptures, and Rhythms of Interdisciplinary Humanities / Unversity of California, Merced, April 2016.
“‘archaic hallucinatory laughter’: Affect and History in Susan Howe’s Articulation of Sound Forms in Time,” Energies: Through the Material, Theoretical & Textual / University of Southern California, Los Angeles, March 2014.
Panel Organizer, “Down the Rabbit Hole: Textual Vertigo” / Mills College, December 2013
M.F.A. Creative Writing: Poetry, Mills College, 2015
B.A. English Literature, San Francisco State University, 2008