Office Hours
Winter 2025: M 3-4, W 10-11
Currently a Ph.D. Candidate in English Literature with a Designated Emphasis in Environmental Humanities — University of California, Davis
M.A. in English Literature — University of Alaska, Fairbanks
B.A. in English Literature — University of California, Berkeley
A.A. in English Literature — College of Marin, Kentfield
Research Interests
British Romanticism, 19th century British and California literatures and land management policy, aesthetics, carceral ecologies in literature, disaster narratives, fire stewardship, invasive species, teaching for equity, disability justice, accessible pedagogy
- "We Keep Us Safe: Bay Area Businesses Practicing Community Care" The Disability Visibility Project (2024)
- "'Enlightened Doomsaying': An Evergreen Ecocritical Philosophy" H-Environment (2023)
- "Shoved From the Ivory Tower: Disabled Graduate Students Crushed Between the University of California and their Union" co-authored with Julia Métraux for the Disability Visibility Project, edited by Alice Wong (2023)
- Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature co-authored by Athena Kashyap, Libretexts (2020)
- "During the Drought" & "Noumenon" Nostos 2.1 (2018)
- Project F.E.E.L. as editor/curriculum developer (2017)
- Master's Thesis: James Hogg, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Romantic Anachronism. University of Alaska, Fairbanks (2013)
- "Review of Punchline and an Interview with Nick Courtright" Permafrost Magazine (2012)
- "Time" Educe (2012)
- "A Broken Vase" Psychological Poems: A Journal of Outsider Poetry (2011)
- "Fire Aesthetics and Policy: How British Romanticism Impacted California Fire Regimes" Safford Fire Lab (March 2024)
- "Blame the Romantics for California’s Catastrophic Wildfires: Literary Representations of British Muirburn & California Cultural Burning" Reclaiming the Commons, ASLE (July 2023)
- "E/Inclosure and Incarceration: British Romanticism and California Fire Policy" Remaking the Past, NCSA (March 2023)
- "Know Your Rights: Disability Panel" UC Irvine (8 March 2023)
- "Disability at the University of California" Graduate Student Action Network (2023)
- "Disaster Pedagogy: The Classroom at the End of the World" Emergence/Y ASLE (2021)
- Tutor Training. Academic Success & Tutoring Center, Solano Community College (2020)
- Nostos Poetry Reading. Copperfield's Bookstore, San Rafael (2018)
- Night of the Poets. San Anselmo Library (2017)
- Tutorials: "Essay Structure," "Ethical Attribution," "Thesis Statements," and more. Student Success Center, San Jacinto College (2015)
- "Hogg, Wordsworth, and the English Spectre in Romantic Scotland" James Hogg Society Conference. University of Glasgow (2012)
- Panel: "WriteAlaska as Participatory Culture" Pacific Rim Conference. University of Alaska, Anchorage, (2012)
- Graduate Student Instructor Orientation. University of Alaska, Fairbanks (2012)
- Faculty Achievement Award. Solano Community College (2020)
- College of Liberal Arts Scholarship. University of Alaska, Fairbanks (2013)
- E.L. Bartlett Prize in Literary Criticism (2012)
Professional Memberships
- Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment
- Keats-Shelley Association of America
- Scottish Literary Studies
- North American Victorian Studies Association
- North American Society for the Study of Romanticism
- British Association for Romantic Studies
- California Teachers of English as a Second Language