Pronouns He/Him. Virginia native entering his second year at UCD. Research interest include mid-twentieth century American poetry, specifically confessional poetry and the works of Robert Lowell, cinema and media studies with a focus on visual rhetoric, puritanical literature, and homosociality.
Academic Appointments:
UWP1/1A - Intro to college writing and the corequiste course
English for Science and Technology (EST) – Hot Topics in Science and Technology as well as various courses at the International center
Upward Bound Teacher – English core teacher and Film Studies elective teacher
Teaching Assistant for GER 10 – Off with Their Heads: Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimms to Walt Disney
Teaching Assistant for CTS 172 – Videogames and Culture
Teaching Assistant for ENL 010A - Literatures in English 1: to 1700.
“‘Make a fist and put it behind our backs:’ Masculinity and Sexual Communication in The Lobster,” Cinematic Codes Review, Vol. VIII, issue 2,
2023, pp. 31-35. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2856291182/7CA4FD4F21CC4AA6PQ/2?account...
“Show us what you’re packing Daddy Andrew: Queer Rage in Knock at the Cabin,” Cinematic Codes Review, Vol. VIII, issue 1, 2023, pp. 54-59. https://www.proquest.com/openview/69ef70f738ef2a99deed11c2cc89743b/1?pq-...
"Hushed Speech and Pain: McDonaugh's The Banshees of Inisherin," Cinematic Codes Review, Vol. IIV, issue 3, 2022, pp. 46-49. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2759073939/C8B3CC8F01014107PQ/1?sourcet...
Diphthong Delivery: Camp and the Canadian A’ in So I Married an Axe Murderer, Quint Journal, Vol. 16, issue 1, 2023, pp. 179-186. https://www.ucn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/The-Quint-v16.1.pdf
Ph.D. English. University of California, Davis. - anticipated graduation 2026
M.A. English. University of Nevada, Las Vegas
B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Major in English/Minor in Film Studies. University of Nevada, Las Vegas
A.S. Liberal Arts. Northern Virginia Community College
Select Conference Presentations:
54th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention (Niagara Falls 2023): "If it looks like horror: The Mechanics of Fear in Cross Genre Cinema," co-panel host with Stacey Baran.
MLA Annual Convention (Toronto 2021):“The Influence of Robert Frost on Confessional Poet Robert Lowell,” Robert Frost Panel.
Southwest Popular American Culture Association (Albuquerque, NM. Feb-19th-22nd, 2020): "Queering and Historicizing comedic horror classic Psycho Beach Party," Film and Gender Studies Panel.
Additional work:
Experimental Learning in the classroom and beyond: Host - Rated podcast
Guest Lecture: FRS 003 - Vampire Weekend, Baroque Pop, and Weird Samples