Position Title
Associate Professor of English
Associate Vice Provost, Writing Center
Ph.D, University of Essex, UK - 2015
Joanna Johnson has taught graduate and undergraduate research and writing courses, including graduate research ethics, writing pedagogy, undergraduate business communication, first-year and upper-division composition, literature and writing in STEM for more than two decades. At her previous institution, Johnson founded and directed a new department of writing studies. She has directed writing programs since 2005.
As associate vice provost, Joanna Johnson provides strategic vision and guidance to the University’s Writing Center.
She has delivered numerous conference presentations and national workshops on writing across the curriculum (WAC), scientific writing, grant application writing, artificial intelligence, and has contributed to the responsible conduct of research (RCR) training. In 2017 she won an Association of American Medical Colleges “Innovations in Research and Research Education” award for including writing in the RCR curriculum.
Research & Publications:
Johnson’s research and publications include the book Topographies of Caribbean Writing, Race and the British Countryside (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019). Her article "Race, Writing, and Research: Leveraging WAC to Reduce Disparities in Research Funding and Publication," was published in the WAC Journal in 2023.