Peter Hays Writing Prize | 04/15/25 @ 12:00pm | Essays |
The prize will be given for the best paper written for or related to the content in a First-year Seminar class (FRS)
Fall: 1/22/24
Winter: 4/15/25
Spring: 7/1/25
1. The instructor of a first-year seminar must nominate a paper for this award – only one nomination per class. *Criteria for the award include originality, logical construction, correct grammar and punctuation, and clarity, especially for those papers in scientific subjects that will be judged by humanities professors. A string of formulae or equations, or detailed charts, no matter how brilliant, will not suffice.* *The essay should engage a reader who is unfamiliar with the topic.*
2. Papers are required to be 5-10 double-spaced typed pages in 12-point font. Please include the “title” at the top of the paper.
3. The author’s name and the instructor’s name must *NOT* appear on the paper.
4. Instructors are to email [the honors and awards address], with the name & ID# of the student whose paper they wish to nominate for the award.
5. Such nominations will be accepted at the end of each quarter beginning Spring Quarter and ending Winter Quarter of the following year.
6. The award will be announced and presented at the English Department Year-end Celebration & Awards Ceremony held at the beginning of June each year.