English 100PA - Spring, 2021

Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry

Class Information

Instructor: Wenderoth, Joe
Time: MW 1:40-3:00


We will endeavor, in this course, to encounter poetic speech. We will do so from both sides?as speaker and as hearer. The guiding intention of our discussion will be the development of an understanding of what poetic speech has been and might now be, which is to say, what human (or inhuman) purposes it might now serve, and how it might be crafted to better fulfill their intentions and/or impulses.


GRADING: Your course grade will be arrived at in this way:
Zero to 25 points will be awarded for: First Course Folder.
Zero to 25 points will be awarded for: Second Course Folder.
Zero to 30 points will be awarded for: Third Course Folder.
Zero to 20 points will be awarded for; handful of exercises.



World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time , ed. Katherine Washburn and John S. Major; W.W. Norton and Company.