Literatures in English I: to 1700
Class Information
Instructor: Chaganti, Seeta
CRN: 71798
Time: MWF 1:10-2:00
Location: 261 Olson
The aim of this course is prepare you for advanced study in English literature. Our focus will be literature written in English before 1700, a period of fascinating historical, political, social, and linguistic transformation. We will read texts from a range of authors (English and American) and genres that reflect, address, and produced these changes. Of paramount importance will be students’ development of skills in reading, discussing, and writing about the literature. Specifically, we will work on three kinds of skills: (1) understanding how Anglophone language and literature develop over time; (2) learning to interpret both the content and form of poetry, prose, and drama by observant attention to textual detail; and (3) formulating a compelling argument about a literary text.
Attendance and Participation: 10%
Quizzes and Short Writing Assignments: 20%
Close Reading Paper: 20%
Research Paper: 30%
Final Exam: 20%
Norton Anthology of English Literature, Greenblatt et al.