English 188A - Spring, 2024

Topics in Literary & Critical Theory

Topic: Old English: Language and Politics


Class Information

Instructor: Chaganti, Seeta
CRN: 56646
Time: MW 4:10-6:00pm
Location: Olson 117


This course will introduce students to the Old English language, an early Germanic language spoken in England until the 11th century and the basis for the Modern English we speak today. The course will connect students to interactive digital exercises and other resources integrated with the required textbook. Students will gain a basic knowledge of Old English grammar and vocabulary which they can use to read and translate some of the Old English texts that form a basis for English literary history. The class will set Old English and the study of early England in the context of contemporary politics, exploring the ways that the study of Old English has tried to incorporate ideas from contemporary critical race theory and ethnic studies.


Graded work for this class will include a series of written exercises and responses as well as assessment tests and papers, including a final paper project that will involve translation and analysis components and that will be worked on throughout the quarter.


Peter S. Baker, Introduction to Old English