English CRI 200C - Spring, 2021

Class Information

Instructor: Clover, Joshua
Time: R 12:10-3:00


This is a course oriented by readings of Marx and Fanon as foundational critical theorists. That is really the main thing. We will be particularly interested in the moment of greatest tension within the traditions that they orient, regarding the theoretical and historical relations between ideas of settler-colonialism and capitalism, exploitation and land dispossession. Toward that end, we will conclude with related readings by Glen Sean Coulthard. We may read some other stuff along the way.


This is a graduate seminar: everybody is expected to attend very regularly and contribute to discussion, in addition to presenting course readings top the seminar once. It will be all synchronous. There will be a non-onerous writing assignment at the end. Do that and you will get an A.


18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Karl Marx
Red Skin, White Masks, Glen Sean Coulthard
Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon
Capital Vol. 1 (Penguin ed), Karl Marx