Annie Breger

IMG_7216.JPGThe UC Davis English Department presents Annie Berger (she/her/hers) for the Student Profile Series! Annie is a fourth year English (Literature, Criticism and Theory emphasis) and Communication double major.

What are your major(s) and minor(s)?

Double major in English (Literature, Criticism, and Theory emphasis) and Communication


IMG_8435.JPGWhat is your favorite memory at UC Davis? 


My favorite memory at UC Davis is definitely when I completed my English Honors Thesis. It was such an exhilarating moment knowing that all of my time and effort paid off (thank you, Professor Frederickson!).


What is a must-read for an English major? 


The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. I'm currently reading it for the second time and it's even better than what I remember.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 


In 10 years I see myself teaching high school English on the west coast. Either that or living in a different country doing my absolute best.


What are you passionate about?


I am passionate about self-care in all different forms. People should always try to put themselves first and take time out of their day, every day, to do something that makes them happy and relaxes them.


What do you like to do in your free time to unwind? IMG_0001.jpg


I love going to the ARC and working out as a way to unwind. It's definitely my favorite form of stress relief and I get to listen to my favorite songs while I'm doing it!


If you could write a book about your life, what would the title be? 


Sunshine. To be honest, I couldn't think of a title, but Sunshine seems fitting because I've been given this nickname by a lot of different friends because of my personality. Even though I've gone through some tough times in my life I tend to keep a positive and upbeat attitude.

What makes you proud to be an English major? 


I am proud to be an English major because of what I've seen my peers accomplish as English majors. Because of our wide knowledge that we get through reading and writing, English majors can and do accomplish so much when in and beyond college. The English community is always so welcoming and friendly, which is also something I am proud to be a part of.


IMG_7691.JPGIf you had one wish for the English Department/Community here on campus...what would it be? 


I wish the English Department and everyone in it gained more recognition. The English professors, advisors, and my fellow peers all work so hard and are very talented. Although UC Davis is known as a research institution, the research in humanities, particularly what is produced and published from our English Department, is quite amazing.


List 3 of your favorite English Professors.


Matthew Stratton, Gina Bloom, and Mark Jerng


List 3 of your favorite English classes.


ENL 110A, ENL 133, ENL 156 (and a special shoutout to ENL 189 - Shakespeare in our Schools)

Cats or dogs?IMG_7942.JPG




Coffee or tea?




Early bird or night owl?


Early bird


Best Major in the Whole World

