Student Profile Series: Tanya Casas

Tanya_and_books.jpgThe UC English Department presents Tanya Casas (she/her/hers) for the Student Profile Series! Graciela is an English (Literature, Criticism, and Theory emphasis) and Philosophy Minor.

What is your favorite memory at UC Davis?

My favorite memory at UC Davis is a time I had a stressful week and decided to just walk to the arboretum and just sit there reading a book by Margaret Attwood for hours.

Tanya_Beach.jpgWhat is a must-read for an English major?

White noise by Don DeLillo. Every time I would open this book I would stop reading about 5 pages in because it had me rethink my whole reality and question it. 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Ten years from now I will hopefully be working as a lawyer specifically within entertainment law or criminal law. I hope that I will have made a difference in lives by doing my best to work with a broken system.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about musical theatre (i know completely different things). I started doing theatre when I was 16 and fell in love with being able to build something from the ground up and express someone’s story through your actions. 

What do you like to do in your free time to unwind?

Watch Gilmore girls while taking care of my orchids (I have five of them)

Tanya_Beach_2.jpgIf you could write a book about your life, what would the title be?

“Move forward because moving back is not an option and standing still is not enough” keeping doing something that will improve you down the line. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the time, just do it because standing still won’t allow you to grow and you can’t go back so keep looking forward. 

What makes you proud to be an English major?

That I get to be surrounded by other brilliant and creative thinkers. Getting to hear others’ interpretations of a novel or poem and be astonished at how they developed that idea. 

If you had one wish for the English Department/Community here on campus...what would it be?

The one wish I had, has come true. That there be a club for English majors because sometimes you’re too busy to get to know others inside the classroom and this allows you to meet other likeminded individuals, not in a classroom setting

List 3 of your favorite English Professors. 

Michael ZiserAnnette HulbertGregory Dobbins

List 3 of your favorite English classes. 

English 158A (The American Novel to 1900), English 123 (Topics in 18th Century British Literature), English 137 (British Literature 1900-1945)

Tanya_and_dog.jpgCats or dogs?


Coffee or tea?


Early bird or night owl?

Neither is tired all the time 

Best Major in the Whole World
