Newsletter 2021

Ruth Christopher, Outstanding Senior in English


On Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021 UC Davis English faculty and students gathered virtually for our annual end-of-the-year awards celebration. One of the honors announced was the Lois Ann Lattin Rosenberg Outstanding Senior award which went to Ruth Christopher. Below you’ll find Chirstopher’s remarks.


Building a More Equitable Graduate Program through Holistic Admissions


As the UC Student body grows to reflect the diversity of California’s population, graduate and faculty populations have conspicuously failed to keep pace. One of the key impediments to recruiting a  professoriate resides farther back in the pipeline, in the traditional processes and criteria for graduate admissions. These, we are happy to report, have begun to change in tangible ways at the UC Davis English department. 

Zinzi Clemmons Joins Davis English Faculty


Last year we welcomed Zinzi Clemmons to the department as Visiting Assistant Professor in Creative Writing. This coming fall we will welcome her again, this time as Assistant Professor in English on the tenure track.